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Title: God is Not the Creator of Evil
Authors: Şimşek, İsmail
Abstract: One of the most important issues in the history of thought is the problem of evil. It has always been a problem for theists to reconcile an omnipotent, omniscient and absolutely good being with the evils that occur in the universe. There are two reasons why the issue of evil is a problem for theists. The first of these is the inclusion of evil in the word "everything" in the prop- osition "God is the creator of everything". The other is the divide of evil into moral and natural in all studies related to this subject. However, in the proposition "God is the creator of everything", "everything" does not include evil. Because God is perfect and perfect being does not create evil. The evils that occur in the universe are divided into two as evil in terms of itself and its conse- quences. Evils in itself are the evils such as rape, murder, stealing that occur as a result of the wrong use of human will. Evil in terms of consequences are actions created by God but not evil in itself. Evil in terms of consequences are actions created by God but not evil in itself. Their evil is due to human ignorance and carelessness. Therefore, both evils are not caused by God.
ISSN: 1304-6810
Appears in Collections:İlahiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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