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Title: Bazı yerli ve ithal buğday çeşitlerinden paçal denemeleri sonucu elde edilen l. askorbik asit ve alfa amilaz katkılı ve katkısız ekmeklik unlar ile piyasa unlarının bazı kalite özellikleri
Authors: Bozkaya, Nesrin
Advisors: Nas, Sebahattin
Keywords: Gıda Mühendisliği
Food Engineering
Alfa amilaz
Alpha amylase
Buğday paçalı
Wheat blends
Ekmeklik kalitesi
Bread quality
L-askorbik asit
L-ascorbic acid
Publisher: Pamukkale Üniversitesi
Abstract: Domestic and imported wheat varieties that provided from commercial flour factory was experimented and the experiment carried out in the factory.The flour mixtures were preparet after determining some qualitatif characteristics of the wheat varieties. To the flour that obtained from the millings fungal alpha-amylase and ascorbic acid at the different ratios were added. Quality characteristics of the flour samples with the additive and non additive were determined and this flours compared with the market flours. The value of gluten level, gluten index, falling number, P, L, P/L, G and W of the wheat varieties and even in the some wheat varieties were found to have important differences. Some quality characteristics of domestic wheat varieties (Bezostaja, Flamura and Liressa-92) and imported wheat varieties belong to Romania and Ukraine, showed an important alterations. But, It was also determined that the differences between the quality characteristics of the other imported wheat varieties were not important. After the quality criterias of wheat variaties was determined, it was concluded that mixture ratios has to adjusted, for this quality characteristics. In addition to these for obtained desired quality product, hard and soft wheat ratio of mixtures should be experimented. At this experiment, the amylolytic activity of the most of the wheat varieties were found to be insufficient. For this reason, different ratios of ascorbic acid and fungal alpha- amylase were added to each flour mixture. Addition of ascorbic acid and fungal alfa amylase influenced the developing quality characteristics for the desired level of reological characteristics of dough and proteoliytic activity, fungal alpha-amylase were imporeved the reological characteristics of dough too. The flour samples taken from market were indicated a very different energy value, high resistance of dough and configuration ratios with low extension ability and insufficient amylase activity. At the result; it was concluded that fortified flours, obtined from added experiments, were much better than the flour samples taken from the markets.
Description: Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.
Appears in Collections:Tez Koleksiyonu

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