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Title: Impacts on the confinement factor of the propagation constants of optical fields in the some semiconductor devices
Authors: Temiz, Mustafa
Abstract: In this work, the importance of the confinement factor (CF) from viewpoint of the stray of the carriers from the active regions (ARs) of the semiconductor devices (SCDs) such as semiconductor lasers and/or planar waveguides (SCLAOPWs) and the expressions of the confinement factors (CFs) in terms of the normalized propagation constants (NPCs) for the even and odd modes (EAOMs) are studied and, in addition, to control the carriers in the SCLAOPWs, some auxiliary parameters (APs) described as related to the CF to help the description of the confinement's role are defined and discussed. To investigate the PCs for the EAOMs, the Maxwell's equations are solved for boundary conditions of the semiconductor laser or planar waveguide (SCLOPW) geometry and the NPCs of the optical field for the ARs and cladding layers (CLs) and then the relationships between these PCs and the parameters of semiconductor material used (SCMU) are obtained. So, the PCs and the parameters of the SCMU give the normalized frequency (NF) quantity. Normalized propagation (NP) constant (NPC) is defined in terms of the NF. After that, the CFs belonging to the EAOMs for the SCLAOPWs are also defined in terms of NPC and/or NF and are discussed with the help of the newly defined APs.
ISSN: 1054-660X
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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