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Title: The effects of some parameters of the propagation constant for heterojunction constructions on the optical modes
Authors: Temiz, Mustafa
Abstract: Some parameters of step index optical heterojunction lasers and waveguides are discussed and the basic components of propagating modes are derived. Equivalent refractive index method which is useful for mode analysis of the active region of a laser and a slab waveguide is introduced. The operation of semiconductor lasers and waveguides are strongly affected by materials from which they are made. Active regions of the laser and the waveguide are sandwiched between the cladding layers, which have a slightly lower refractive index than the refraction index of active region. The layers act as a slab waveguide confining the photons closely around the active region through action of the total internal reflection. The optical power does not propagate outwards from the active region. With the well controlled waveguiding to confine the light to active region where the electrons and holes recombine most strongly, the diode lasers and Bragg lasers have achieved their preeminence as signal sources for communication system. In the active region it is possible to consider the energy exchange between the optical fields and the polarization currents. So, the active region provides a stable platform for the electronic interaction with the changes in optical power. Especially in quantum lasers made from III-V semiconductor for the investigation of quantum phenomena, this work based on the electromagnetic field and its parameters and the study of the confinement of the carriers and the electric field for the semiconductor quantum well can also be used confidently.
ISSN: 1054-660X
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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