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Title: Differential Diagnosis of Dizziness in Patients Who Had Carotid Vertebral Artery Doppler for Arterial System Diseases
Authors: Gökduman, Kübra Aktan
Gökduman, Muratcan
Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet
Alşalaldeh, Mohammad
Keywords: Kulak
Publisher: AVES
Abstract: Background: Carotid vertebral Doppler ultrasonography (CVDU) is performed fre- quently in patients with dizziness. If a pathology is discovered, usually, it is accepted as a cause of dizziness. Our objective was to investigate the ratio of dizziness in patients tested with CVDU for arterial system diseases and make differential diagnoses of diz- ziness for its real cause. Methods: A total of 195 patients undergoing CVDU were included. Among them, 20 patients reported dizziness and were referred for further examination, while the remaining 175 patients were included as controls. Advanced balance tests were per- formed for a differential diagnosis of dizziness. The two groups were then compared in terms of carotid narrowing, intima–media thickness (IMT), and vertebral artery resis- tive index (RI). Results: Among the dizziness patients, 10 exhibited abnormal IMT, 11 showed a patho- logical vertebral artery resistive index, and 6 had carotid narrowing. However, when comparing the control group with the vertigo group, no significant differences were found in terms of pathological values observed in CVDU (P > .05). Within the vertigo group, the causes were further categorized: Ten patients had evident peripheral dis- ease, 2 had migraine vestibulopathy, 1 had persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (3PD), 2 had orthostatic hypotension, and 1 had congenital nystagmus. One patient was considered to have vertebrobasilar insufficiency, and 3 patients were suspected to have central vascular pathology. Conclusion: It was known that several patients who sought medical attention due to vascular disease also reported experiencing dizziness. However, it was determined that most dizziness cases were unrelated to vascular disease.
ISSN: 2149-7109
Appears in Collections:Tıp Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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