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Title: Smoking cessation support via video counseling (e-cessation): a promising field for telemedicine implementation
Authors: Metin, Melis
Kaya, Serife
Sözmen, Kaan
Altınışık, Göksel
Keywords: Smoking cessation
video counseling
video conference
remote health service
Publisher: AVES
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to investigate the utility of telemedicine conducted via video counseling in comparison to the previous structured approach and to compare prepandemic smoking cessation success rates with traditional counseling. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The applicants of the outpatient clinic for smoking cessation support pre- and post -pandemic periods were included in the study. The time intervals were retrospectively between 1 March and 30 August 2021 and the last 3 months of the year 2019. The data were revealed retrospectively. Age, sex, occupation, smoking history as package year, and the score of the Fagerstr & ouml;m test for nicotine dependence, accompanying chronic diseases, treatment method, and quitting status between 6 and 9 months of follow-up. RESULTS: The number of applicants was 200 (87% male) and 89 (95% male) in groups 1 and 2, respectively. The age difference was not significant. The difference was statistically significant according to having at least 1 accompanying chronic disease, specifically a lung disease. None of the parameters have affected the success of quitting smoking. The smoking cessation rate was 3.9 fold higher in the telemedicine group than in the traditional group. CONCLUSION: The main principle appears to be allocating enough time, as required on an individual basis, to clearly assess the situation, including identifying barriers and options. Since immediate systematic physical examination and laboratory testing may not be mandatory for individuals seeking smoking cessation support, telemedicine emerges as a reasonable option and a promising field for comprehensive video counseling.
ISSN: 2979-9139
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
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