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Title: Histological investigation of the compatibility of prunus spinosa as interstock with almond cultivars
Authors: Kırca, Levent
Karadeniz, Turan
Keywords: Prunus dulcis (Mill.) DA Weeb
Graft union
Graft Compatibility
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the early graft compatibility of 'Ferraduel', 'Ferragnes', 'Makako', 'Tarraco' and 'Vairo' almond cultivars with GF-677 rootstock and Prunus spinosa interstock. P. spinosa, which was used as an interstock on the GF-677 rootstock, was grafted using the whip grafting method, and almond cultivars were grafted on P. spinosa using the chip grafting method. Sections were taken 15, 30, 45, 45, 60, 90, 90 and 120 days after grafting for chip grafting and 150 days after grafting for whip grafting. Graft sections were examined histologically. The highest graft success was found in the P. spinosa/'Makako' combination with 96.66% and the lowest was found in the P. spinosa/'Ferraduel' combination with 83.33%. In the GF-677/P. spinosa combination, graft success was determined as 96.50%. Examination of the sections showed that callus formation started on the 15th day. It was found that the callus developed further on the 30th day and cambial differentiation started. On the 45th day, it was determined that the cambium connection between the graft elements was established and a distinct callus bridge was formed. On the 60th day, it was determined that the union between rootstock and scion was completed, callus tissue filled more than in the previous period and most of them turned into xylem cells. On the 90th day, it was determined that the newly differentiated cambium tissue continued its continuity along the entire graft surface and produced new conduction tissues, parenchymatic cells with a regular structure were formed between these tissues, and the newly formed conduction elements fulfilled their function between the graft elements. On day 120, graft union was determined to continue in most of the combinations and no signs of graft incompatibility were observed.
ISSN: 2948-2623
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection
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