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Title: Research about the influence of spinning triangle geometry on the ring spun yarn characteristics and single jersey knitted fabric properties
Other Titles: Ring iplik eğirme makinasinda eğirme üçgeninin iplik özellikleri ve süprem örme kumaş performans özelliklerine etkilerinin araştırılması
Authors: Soydan, A.S.
Var, C.
Koç, D.
Baltalioğlu, Ü.
Palamutcu, S.
Keywords: compact spinning
eğirme üçgeni
kompakt eğirme
Ring eğirme
Ring spinning
spinning triangle
Zweigle iplik tüylülüğü
Zweigle yarn hairiness measurement
Spinning (fibers)
Compact spinnings
Eğirme ucgeni
Kompakt eğirme
Ring eğirme
Ring spinning
Spinning triangles
Yarn hairiness measurements
Yarn paths
Zweigle iplik tuyluluğu
Zweigle yarn hairiness measurement
Publisher: Chamber of Textile Engineers
Abstract: It is known that changes made in the geometry of the spinning triangle on the ring spinning machine affect yarn properties. There are a wide variety of commercially successful applications made by machine manufacturers in this regard. Compact spinning is one of the most widely used technologies. In addition to compact spinning, another application that makes it possible to change the geometry of the spinning triangle is diagonal yarn path offset. With diagonal yarn path method, the symmetrical shape of the spinning triangle is trapezoid, fiber flow geometry is changed and structural properties of the resulted yarn are changed. In this study, 100% cotton, Ne15, Z twisted yarns were spun by changing the spinning triangle geometry with the straight and left/right yarn path offset in the ring spinning machine and mechanical compact spinning machine. The spun yarns are knitted on a laboratory sized single jersey knitting machine. Beside of the specifications of six different types of spun yarns, physical properties including fabric spirality, dimensional stability and air permeability of single jersey knitted fabric properties were compared with each other. It was determined that diagonal yarn path offset was influential on yarn hairiness and strength. It was concluded that the lowest yarn hairiness value and the highest strength and elongation at break values were obtained by right yarn path offset. It has been determined that depending on the change in the shape of the spinning triangle, the hairiness properties of H and Zweigle haririness-S3 values of the yarns change. © (2024), (Chamber of Textile Engineers). All Rights Reserved.
ISSN: 1300-7599
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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