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Title: Gender-specific effects of alternate-day fasting on body weight, oxidative stress, and metabolic health in middle-aged rats
Other Titles: Orta yaş sıçanlarda gün aşırı açlık protokolünün vücut ağırlığı, oksidatif stres ve metabolik sağlık üzerine cinsiyete özgü etkileri
Authors: Kılıç, Erkek, Ö.
Gündoğdu, G.
Keywords: Aging
alternate-day fasting
food intake
oxidative stress
Publisher: Pamukkale University
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of alternate-day fasting (ADF) concerning sex as well as its function in systemic and tissue-level oxidative stress alterations associated with aging. Materials and methods: Forty-two female (n=21) and male (n=21) Wistar rats (aged 16 months) were separated into six groups (n=7 each): Group-1 (control-male), Group-2 (1-month, ADF-male), Group-3 (2-month, ADF-male), Group-4 (control-female), Group-5 (1-month, ADF-female), and Group-6 (2-month, ADF-female). The ADF protocol was applied every other day for 24-h of fasting (three days/week). Serum samples were analyzed via ELISA to measure total oxidant-antioxidant status (TOS-TAS), and the oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated. Results: 2-months of ADF treatment reduced body weight (BW) compared compliance control groups (p<0.001). All groups' cumulative food intake and retroperitoneal fat weight decreased with ADF (p<0.05). Both 1-month and 2-month ADF interventions had positive effects on reducing TOS and OSI in both liver and serum, with a significant decrease observed in both groups compared to their respective controls (p<0.001). The liver TAS significantly increased in female rats (p<0.05), but this increase did not reach a significant level in male rats. The difference in the serum TAS between the groups was not significant. Conclusions: This study evaluated the effects of ADF on BW, food consumption, and oxidative stress parameters in male and female rats. The findings highlight ADF's potential benefits in weight management and reducing oxidative stress. This study represents an important step in understanding the effects of ADF on metabolic health and in identifying potential clinical applications. © 2024, Pamukkale University. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1309-9833
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