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Title: Economic analysis of land consolidation project: Kızılcabölük neighborhood, Tavas-Denizli-Turkey Province
Authors: Cay, Tayfun
Satilmis, Ramazan Yoldas
Keywords: Land Consolidation
Economic Analysis
Benefits Of Consolidation
Development Of Agriculture
Publisher: Selcuk Univ Press
Abstract: In this study, the land consolidation project in Denizli Tavas District K & imath;z & imath;lcab & ouml;l & uuml;k Neighborhood, the economic effects of the consolidation on the neighborhood, were examined by making economic analyzes. The data to be used in the economic analyzes were obtained from the consolidation maps and lists, and at the end of the interviews with farmers. While making the analysis, vegetable production variable, labor input variable, water input variable and fertilizer input variables were used. The economic profitability of consolidation was found by bringing together the obtained variables. The agricultural areas, which were 1292 hectares with consolidation, decreased to 1255 hectares with the cuts made On the other hand, consolidation led to an annual profit of approximately 2.5 million dollars in the project area. It is seen that the most important factor in increasing profitability in the project area is the change in product variety. With the land consolidation, the irrigation system was came to the agricultural areas. Farmers that provide easy and more convenient access to water have turned to corn with high profitability. This situation has led to an increase in the plant production value in the project area.
Description: Cay, Tayfun/0000-0002-4661-5583
ISSN: 2548-0960
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection
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