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Title: Some new introduced endemic taxa from Denizli (Türkiye) in the last decade
Authors: Isitan, E.S.
Düşen, O.
Keywords: Denizli
Iucn Categories
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Abstract: Türkiye is of great importance in terms of endemism. The size of an endemic species’ area can be very narrow or very wide. However, the important thing is that the distribution of the plant or animal species in question concerns a particular region. Denizli Province, which constitutes the research area, is at an important point when phytogeographical areas are taken into account. Denizli province is located at the intersection of the Mediterranean and Iran-Turanian phytogeographic regions. This study was carried out in order to compile and examine the new plant taxa introduced from Denizli in the last 10 years in a single source. This study was prepared by reviewing the literature. As a result of the study, it was found thata total of 9 new taxa (Aegilops triuncialis L. subsp. bozdagensis Cabi & Doğan, Ekimia ozcansecmenii Şenol & Eroğlu, Viola denizliensis O.D. Düşen, Göktürk, U. Sarpkaya & B. Gürcan, Plocama calabrica (L.f.) M. Backlund & Thulin var. alba Göktürk, O.D. Düşen, B. Gürcan & U. Sarpkaya, Rindera cetineri Yıldırım, Origanum × aytacii Dirmenci, Chionodoxa salbacus Yıldırım, Helichrysum × kani-isikii Semiz, Şenol & Günal, Achillea alimeana Semiz & Uysal were identified within the borders of Denizli in the last 10 years. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.
ISBN: 9783031815638
ISSN: 2367-3370
Appears in Collections:Fen Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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