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Title: Electrically conductive textile surfaces and their electromagnetic shielding efficiency measurement
Authors: Palamutçu, Sema
Özek, Ahmet
Karpuz, Ceyhun
Dağ, Nermin
Keywords: Cotton textiles
Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness (EMSE)
Abstract: In this work a unique design and construction of Electro Magnetic Shielding Efficiency (EMSE) measurement set is introduced and its reliability is discussed within the circumstance of the produced electrical conductive textile surfaces. Electrical conductive yarns, that are contending copper wire, silver and cotton staple fibers, are spun and used for production of plain woven and single jersey knitted specimens. Produced specimens are tested in the designed EMSE measurement set in the frequency range of cellular phone communication bands -between 860MHz-960MHz for 900MHz and 1750MHz -1850MHz for1800MHz- in Turkey. EMSE of the specimens are compared considering yarn components, fabric structure, number of fabric layers, and reference signal power (dBm) based on frequency changes. Considering EMSE values; structure of specimens (woven or knitted), ratio of copper wire in the content of yarn, number of fabric layers, reference dBm value of generated signals are found influential parameters. Thin copper wire containing yarn has higher EMSE comparing those specimens produced using thicker copper wire yarns. Double layer of specimen has better EMSE then the single layer of specimens. Attenuation of specimens can be different for different reference (dBm) levels of generated signals.
ISSN: 1300-3356
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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