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Title: Elastoplastic stress analysis of functionally graded disc under internal pressure-complas XII
Authors: Kursun, A.
Ağır, İnan
Topçu, Muzaffer
Keywords: Elastoplastic stress
Finite element method
Functionally graded disk
Linear strain hardening
Residual stress
Elasto-plastic stress
Functionally graded
Gradient parameter
Plane stress
Poisson's ratio
Power-law functions
Small deformations
Yield criteria
Functionally graded materials
Residual stresses
Strain hardening
Stress analysis
Abstract: The study deals with elastoplastic stress analysis of a hollow disk made of functionally graded materials (FGMs) subjected to an internal pressure. The material properties of disc are assumed to vary radially according to power law function, but Poisson's ratio is taken constant. Small deformations and a state of plane stress are presumed, and the analysis of disk is based on Von-Mises yield criterion. The materials are assumed to be linear strain hardening, isotropic and not be affected by temperature. Variation of stresses and displacements according to gradient parameters are investigated by using analytical and finite element method. The results show that gradient parameters have an important role in determining the elastoplastic stress of functionally graded disc.
ISBN: 9788494153150
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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