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Title: Capsula interna-related restless leg syndrome: A case report
Authors: Yücel, Mehmet
Erdogan, Çağdaş
Öz, O.
Akgün, H.
Kütükçü, Y.
Odabaşi, Z.
Keywords: Capsula interna infarction
Cranial magnetic resonance imaging
Restless legs syndrome
capsula interna
case report
clinical feature
facial nerve paralysis
lacunar stroke
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
restless legs syndrome
Abstract: Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) may be primary or secondary. As a secondary etiological factor, stroke has been rarely reported in the literature. Here, we present the case of a patient with infarctions in the internal capsule who experienced RLS symptoms. A 48-year-old female was admitted with right hemiparesis and right central facial paralysis. Her cranial MRI revealed lacunar infarcts in the crus posterior of the left internal capsule and in crus anterior of the right internal capsule. One month later, she described uncomfortable and odd sensations affecting both legs. Her symptoms emerged at nights, additionally, movement of the legs provided temporary relief. She was diagnosed with RLS and started on Pramipexole 0.5 mg/day. Her symptoms resolved completely with this treatment. Because her RLS symptoms appeared in the first month of the disease and her neuroimaging results showed a correlation between possible anatomical localization and the symptoms, the current case has been accepted as poststroke RLS. © Archives of Neuropsychiatry, published by Galenos Publishing.
ISSN: 1300-0667
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
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WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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