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Title: CMOS first-order current-mode all-pass filter with electronic tuning capability and its applications
Authors: Safari, L.
Minaei, S.
Yüce, Erkan
Keywords: all-pass filter
Current follower
sinusoidal oscillator
Current followers
Current mode
Electronically tunable
Integrated circuit fabrication
Low-power operation
Number of components
Parasitic impedance
Sinusoidal oscillator
Active filters
Electric converters
All-pass filters
Abstract: In this paper, a novel first-order current-mode (CM) electronically tunable all-pass filter including one grounded capacitor and two dual-output current followers (DO-CFs) is presented. The used DO-CFs are implemented using only 10 MOS transistors granting the proposed CM all-pass filter extremely simple structure. The proposed filter is suitable for integrated circuit (IC) fabrication because it employs only a grounded capacitor and is free from passive component matching conditions. Interestingly the introduced configuration uses minimum number of components compared to other works. It also offers other interesting advantages such as, alleviating all disadvantages associated with the use of resistors, easy cascadability and satisfies all technology requirements such as small sizing, simple realization, low voltage and low power operation. Additionally, the circuit parameters can be easily set by adjusting control voltages. Most favorably, the proposed CM all-pass filter can be simply used as a voltage-mode (VM) all-pass filter with outstanding properties of adjustable gain and tunability. To further show the versatility of the proposed structure a sinusoidal oscillator is also derived from presented CM all-pass filter. Nonideal gain and parasitic impedance effects on developed CM filter are discussed. Finally, simulation results with SPICE program are included to confirm the theory. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.
ISSN: 0218-1266
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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