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Title: An ant colony system empowered variable neighborhood search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery
Authors: Kalaycı, Can Berk
Kaya, Can
Keywords: Ant colony system
Simultaneous pickup and delivery
Time limit
Variable neighborhood search
Vehicle routing problem
Ant colony optimization
Application programs
Computer hardware
Decision support systems
Intelligent systems
Routing algorithms
Software engineering
Vehicle routing
Ant colony systems
Meta heuristics
Simultaneous pickup and deliveries
Vehicle Routing Problems
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
Abstract: Along with the progress in computer hardware architecture and computational power, in order to overcome technological bottlenecks, software applications that make use of expert and intelligent systems must race against time where nanoseconds matter in the long-awaited future. This is possible with the integration of excellent solvers to software engineering methodologies that provide optimization-based decision support for planning. Since the logistics market is growing rapidly, the optimization of routing systems is of primary concern that motivates the use of vehicle routing problem (VRP) solvers as software components integrated as an optimization engine. A critical success factor of routing optimization is quality vs. response time performance. Less time-consuming and more efficient automated processes can be achieved by employing stronger solution algorithms. This study aims to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery (VRPSPD) which is a popular extension of the basic Vehicle Routing Problem arising in real world applications where pickup and delivery operations are simultaneously taken into account to satisfy the vehicle capacity constraint with the objective of total travelled distance minimization. Since the problem is known to be NP-hard, a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm based on an ant colony system (ACS) and a variable neighborhood search (VNS) is developed for its solution. VNS is a powerful optimization algorithm that provides intensive local search. However, it lacks a memory structure. This weakness can be minimized by utilizing long term memory structure of ACS and hence the overall performance of the algorithm can be boosted. In the proposed algorithm, instead of ants, VNS releases pheromones on the edges while ants provide a perturbation mechanism for the integrated algorithm using the pheromone information in order to explore search space further and jump from local optima. The performance of the proposed ACS empowered VNS algorithm is studied on well-known benchmarks test problems taken from the open literature of VRPSPD for comparison purposes. Numerical results confirm that the developed approach is robust and very efficient in terms of both solution quality and CPU time since better results provided in a shorter time on benchmark data sets is a good performance indicator. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd
ISSN: 0957-4174
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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