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Title: Effectiveness of palatal mucosa graft in surgical treatment of sub-glottic stenosis
Authors: Aydoğmuş, Ümit
Topkara, Adem
Akbulut, Metin
Özkan, Adem
Türk, Figen
Şahin, Barbaros
Yuncu, G.
Keywords: Airway
Mucosal tissues
Tracheal stenosis
Wound healing
Publisher: Korean Society of Otolaryngology
Abstract: Objectives. Mucosal free grafts may be successfully applied in many surgical interventions. This study aims at investigating the feasibility of palatal mucosa graft in sub-glottic field in an animal model. Methods. This randomized prospective controlled study was conducted with an animal model. Sub-glottic inflammation was created in 15 adult rabbits in each group and sub-glottic stenosis surgery was applied thereafter. The rabbits in group 1 (control group) underwent segmental resection, partial cricoidectomy, and trachea-thyroid cartilage anasto¬mosis; the rabbits in group 2 underwent segmental resection, cricoplasty, and crico-tracheal anastomosis using free buccal mucosa graft; and the rabbits in group 3 underwent segmental resection, cricoplasty, and crico-tracheal anastomosis using free palatal mucosa graft. Restenosis was evaluated after 42 days. Results. The percentages of stenosis were 27%±20%, 40%±20%, and 34%±23% for group 1, 2, and 3, respectively and the difference was not statistically significant (P=0.29). Intensive and tight fibrosis was observed in 2 rabbits (13%) in group 1, in 5 rabbits (33%) in group 2, and in 3 rabbits (20%) in group 3. There was not a statistically significant difference between groups (P=0.41). Excessive inflammation was observed in 3 rabbits (20%) in group 1, in 7 rabbits (47%) in group 2, and 3 rabbits (20%) in group 3. There was no a statistically significant difference between groups although inflammation rate was higher in the rabbits which underwent buccal mucosa graft (P=0.18). Conclusion. The surgical treatments applied with free mucosa graft reduced anastomosis tension through enabling anasto¬mosis to the distal of cricoid instead of thyroid cartilage. Free palatal mucosa grafts may be used in sub-glottic field, one of the most challenging fields of trachea surgery, due to ease of application and rapid vascularization. © 2016 by Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
ISSN: 1976-8710
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