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Title: Development of scale of attitude about social studies class, citizenship, human rights, respect for diversity and tolerance issues for middle school students
Authors: Tekiroğlu, M.
Keywords: Citizenship
Human rights
Social studies
Publisher: Sakarya University
Abstract: The main aim of social science education is to brought up active citizens. Active citizen means an individual who can criticize, investigate, can look at the situations with different perspectives, can renew himself according to changing world conjucture, have national and universal values. National values can show differences according to the social, economical and cultural conditions which countries in. However, having basic values like respect for human rights and diversity, tolerance, democracy have importance for both national citizenship and world citizenship. To be able to live in peace and serenity in the world, world citizenship concept’s inside has to be filled within the frame of international values. Individuals, who have citizenship sense, have adopted basic universal human values, can show democratical attitude and behaviour in every area, are tolerant, have assimilated that diversity is not a discrimination factor but a cultural wealth, has to be brought up. In this respect, in what way intended population perceives the social science class and the subjects which are class’s contents has to be identified. In the wake of the detections that has been done, supporting the positive conditions and finding out the cause and result of negative conditions then remedying them have importance. The main aim of this work is that. One of the most important elements in the stage of scale improvement is factor analysis. In factor analysis, the distribution of the values which measure the same structure is examined. The detection of the matters which have the same features, which will measure the same structure is done by examining these values one by one. It can be interpreted as classification and ranking of those, which are included in the same group, in a bag of mixed nuts. In the process of scale’s improvement necessary infrastructure preparations have been completed and 70 matters have been prepared within the program regarding the expert opinion. In the scope of the study, with the permission of Izmır Governorship, Eserkent, Akşemsettin İmam Hatip, Fevzi Çakmak, Cemil Meriç, Şehit Gazeteci Hasan Tahsin, Mustafa Baykaş, Şehit Halit Taş Middle Schools have been regarded as the target population of the study and in these schools pilot scheme has been performed. In this pilot scheme which has been performed on behalf of the scale improvement to 600 people have been reached. In the selection of 600 students disproportionate sampling element method has been used. The data obtained has been analyzed in SPSS 23 program. Scale matters have been evaluated by using factor analysis, by looking the matter’s relationships with each other and matter’s validity and reliability the main scale has been prepared. The prepared scale with with it’s final state consists of 24 matters and 4 subscales. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
ISSN: 1303-6521
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
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