Showing results 1 to 20 of 23
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | The Acute Effect of the Application of the Myofascial Release to the Balance, Anaerobic Power and Functional Movements in Young Soccer Players | Egesoy, H ; Unver, F; Uludag, V; Celik, E ; Burulday, E |
2022 | The adaptations in muscle architecture following whole body vibration training | Celik, Eylem ; Findikoglu, Gulin ; Kart, Sevgi Ozdemir ; Akkaya, Nuray ; Ertan, Hayri |
2022 | THE ADVANTAGE OF HOME MATHES IN DIFFERENT PROFESSIONAL LEAGUES IN FOOTBALL | Egesoy, Halit ; Gumusdag, Hayrettin; Kirkaya, Izzet; Celik, Eylem ; Celik, Murat |
2022 | THE ANALYSIS OF GOALS SCORED AT 2018 FIFA World Cup RUSSIA AND WOMEN'S WORLD CUP FRANCE 2019 | Gumusdag, Hayrettin; Egesoy, Halit ; Kirkaya, Izzet; Celik, Eylem ; Doner, Ozgur |
2016 | Antimicrobial nano-Ag-TiO2 coating for lining leather | Kaygusuz, Meruyert. ; Lkhagvajav, N.; Yasa, I.; Çelik, E. |
2019 | Associations between second-trimester amniotic fluid levels of ADAMTS4, ADAMTS5, IL-6, and TNF-? and spontaneous preterm delivery in singleton pregnancies | Melekoglu, R.; Yilmaz, E.; Çiftci, Osman ; Kafadar, Y.T.; Celik, E. |
2012 | Basketbolda eski ve yeni üç sayı atış çizgilerinden kullanılan atışların kinematik analizi | Çelik, Eylem |
2009 | DASH questionnaire for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms in industry workers: A validity and reliability study | Kitiş, Ali ; Celik, E. ; Aslan, Ummuhan Baş ; Zencir, M. |
2009 | Determination of University Students' Attitudes Toward Reading Habit | Arslan, Y ; Celik, Z ; Celik, E |
2013 | Determining the pain-affecting factors of university students with nonspecific low back pain | Taspinar, F.; Taspinar, B.; Cavlak, Uğur ; Celik, E. |
2019 | Evaluation of second trimester amniotic fluid ADAMTS4, ADAMTS5, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-? levels in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus | Melekoglu, R.; Çiftci, Osman ; Celik, E. ; Yilmaz, E.; Bastemur, A.G. |
2022 | Experimental and theoretical investigation of the substitution effects on N-substituted carbazole derivatives functionalized with azomethine bonds | Guzel, Merve; Celik, Eylem ; Kart, Sevgi Ozdemir ; Tasli, Pinar Tunay ; Karatas, Erhan ; Ak, Metin |
2022 | Futsal oyuncularının yaralanma geçmişi ve cinsiyete göre fonksiyonel hareket, denge, sıçrama ve esneklik performanslarının karşılaştırılması | Çelik, Eylem ; Telef, Fatih Kayhan; Uludağ, Veysel; Veysel Uludağ; Egesoy, Halit |
2021 | Genç futbolcularda sürat, güç ve el kavrama kuvvet değerleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi | Egesoy, Halit ; Çelik, Eylem ; Yapici-Oksuzoglu, Aysegul |
2021 | The heart rate, blood lactate and oxygen saturation changes of female futsal players during competition | Egesoy, Halit ; Oksuzoglu, Aysegul Yapici ; Gumusdag, Hayrettin; Atabas, Engin Gunes; Celik, Eylem |
2018 | Impact differences among the landing phases of a drop vertical jump in soccer players | Kılıç, Özlem; Alptekin, A. ; Unver, F. ; Celik, E. ; Akkaya, S. |
2024 | Investigation of structure-property relationships for triazine-based star-shaped monomers consisting of different carbazole units: A theoretical and experimental study | Celik, E. ; Guzel, Merve ; Kart, S.O. ; Ak, M. ; Kart, H.H. |
2007 | Numerical analysis of the influence of buffer layer thickness on the residual stresses in YBCO/La2Zr2O7/Ni superconducting materials | Celik, E. ; Sayman, O.; Karakuzu, R.; Özmen, Yılmaz. |
2020 | The Relationship Between Some Physical Performance Parameters and 2D:4D Digit Ratioin Young Athletes | Ilhan, A ; Celik, E ; Egesoy, H |
2021 | Relative Age Effect on Some Motorical Properties of Young Football Players | Egesoy, Halit ; Gumusdag, Hayrettin; Celik, Eylem ; Gode, Osman ; Kirkaya, Izzet |