Showing results 1 to 20 of 85
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | Abducens palsy following spinal anesthesia: A case report | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Özen, Serkan ; Saraç, G. ; Avunduk, Avni Murat ; Gürses, E.L. ; Yaylali, V. ; Yildirim, C. |
2020 | Acquired lung cysts in a premature neonate with congenital cytomegalovirus infection | Özdemir, Özmert Muhammet Ali ; Çıralı, C. ; Ergin, Hacer ; Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Kara, A. |
2013 | Adjuvant treatment modalities to control macular edema in diabetic patients undergoing cataract surgery | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Yıldırım, Cem |
2021 | Alterations in retinal and choroidal thickness following nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy | Akbulut, Selen ; Pekel, Gokhan ; Pekel, Evre; Cetin, Ebru Nevin |
2011 | Anizometropik ambliyop çocuklarda topikal anesteziyle refraktif cerrahi: İki olgu sunumu | Acar, Mutlu ; Yaylalı, Volkan ; Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Yıldırım, Cem ; Demiryay, Elvan Öztürk; Toprak, İbrahim ; Avunduk, Avni Murat |
2013 | Assessment of awareness of diabetic retinopathy and utilization of eye care services among Turkish diabetic patients | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Zencir, Mehmet ; Fenkçi, S. ; Akın, Fulya ; Yıldırım, Cem |
2022 | Association of inner retinal reflectivity with qualitative and quantitative changes in retinal layers over time in diabetic eyes without retinopathy | Cetin, Ebru N. ; Parca, Osman ; Akkaya, Hasan Samed ; Pekel, Gokhan |
2020 | Association of retinal biomarkers and choroidal vascularity index on optical coherence tomography using binarization method in retinitis pigmentosa. | Çetin, Ebru N. ; Parça, Osman ; Akkaya, Hasan Samed ; Pekel, Gökhan |
2013 | Association of serum lipid levels with diabetic retinopathy | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Bulgu, Yunus; Özdemir, Seyfullah ; Topsakal, Şenay ; Akın, Fulya ; Aybek, Hülya ; Yıldırım, Cem |
2018 | Automated macular segmentation with spectral domain optical coherence tomography in the fellow eyes of patients with unilateral retinal vein occlusion | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Bozkurt, K.; Parca, O. ; Pekel, G. |
2011 | Awareness among glaucoma patients | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Zencir, Gülbanu ; Zencir, Mehmet ; Avunduk, Avni Murat ; Yaylalı, Volkan ; Yıldırım, Cem |
2022 | A Case with Bilateral Central Retinal Vein Occlusion as the Initial Finding of Multiple Myeloma: Documentation of Long-term Retinal Alterations and a Literature Review | Akkaya, Hasan Samed ; Hacıoğlu, Sibel ; Pekel, Gökhan ; Çetin, Ebru Nevin |
2013 | Causes and characteristics of work-related eye injuries in western Turkey | Serinken, Mustafa ; Türkçüer, İbrahim ; Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Yılmaz, Atakan ; Eliçabuk, Hayri ; Karcioglu, O. |
2014 | Chorio-retinal thickness measurements in patients with acromegaly | Pekel, Gökhan ; Akin, F.; Ertürk, M.S.; Acer, S.; Yagci, R.; Hiraali, M.C.; Çetin, Ebru Nevin |
2015 | Comparison of corneal layers and anterior sclera in emmetropic and myopic eyes | Pekel, Gökhan ; Yağcı, Ramazan ; Acer, Semra; Ongun, Gülin Tuğba ; Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Simavlı, Hüseyin |
2013 | The comparison of dynamic contour tonometry with goldmann applanation tonometry, non-contact tonometry and tono-pen; and the association of measurements with ocular structures | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Yayla, Kemal ; Öztuna, Derya; Avunduk, Avni; Yaylalı, Volkan ; Yıldırım, Cem |
2024 | Comparison of ranibizumab, aflibercept, and dexamethasone implant monotherapy in treatment-naive eyes with diabetic macular edema: A 12-month real-life experience | Parca, Osman ; Çetin, Ebru N. |
2012 | Conjunctival impression cytology, ocular surface and tear-film changes in patients with lichen planus | Şanlı, Berna ; Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Bir, Ferda ; Taşlı, Levent; Yaldızkaya, Filiz; Yaylalı, Volkan |
2018 | Corneal and anterior chamber morphology in human immunodeficiency virus-1-infected patients without opportunistic infections | Çetin, Ebru Nevin ; Kutlu, S.S. ; Parca, O. ; Kutlu, M. ; Pekel, G. |
2021 | Corneal and anterior chamber morphology in patients with noninfectious intraocular inflammation | Cetin, Ebru Nevin ; Bozkurt, Kerem ; Akbulut, Selen ; Pekel, Gokhan ; Tasci, Murat; Cobankara, Veli |