Browsing by Author Donat, Ramazan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 46  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Adsorption and thermodynamic behavior of uranium(VI) on Ulva sp.-Na bentonite composite adsorbentDonat, Ramazan ; Aytas, S.
2010Adsorption and thermodynamics studies of U(VI) by composite adsorbent in a batch systemDonat, Ramazan 
2009Adsorption behaviour of Cu2+ and Cd2+ onto natural bentoniteKarapınar, Nazan ; Donat, Ramazan 
2017Adsorption of U(VI) ions from aqueous solutions by activated carbon prepared from Antep pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) shellsDonat, Ramazan ; Erden, Kadriye Esen
2009Adsorption of uranium(VI) onto Ulva sp.-sepiolite compositeDonat, Ramazan ; Esen Erden, Kadriye; Çetişli, Halil; Aytaş, Şule
2022Adsorption of Zr(IV) Ions from Aqueous Acidic Solutions onto TANB AdsorbentDonat, Ramazan 
2024Adsorption properties of Ni(II) ions from an aqueous solution onto activated carbon prepared from Posidonia oceanica seagrassDonat, Ramazan ; Sensoz, Hacer 
2022Bazalt ve karbon elyaf yüzeylerinin farklı reçinelerle kaplanması ve betonda kullanımın incelenmesiBiberoğlu, Erdem
2023Bizmut, Kobalt ve İtriyum İyonlarının çok damlacıklı sıvı membran sistemi ile ekstraksiyonun incelenmesiDemirel, Volkan
4-Oct-2009Blend or copolymer? Spectroelectrochemical evidence of copolymerization or blending two monomerAk, Metin ; Sulak Ak, Mine ; Cetisli, Halil; Donat, Ramazan 
2008Çimentolarda çözünebilen Cr (VI) giderimi [Article]Erdem, Emin ; Donat, Ramazan ; Esen, Kadriye; Tunç, Turgay
2020Çok damlacıklı sıvı membran (MDLM) tekniği ile zirkonyum iyonlarının ekstraksiyonun incelenmesiTezcan, Fatma
2023Eco-Friendly Biosorption of Uranium from Aqueous Solutions Using Sepiolite-Cavex CA37 Composite BiosorbentErden, Kadriye Esen; Donat, Ramazan 
2022Extraction and Kinetic Analysis of Boron(III) Ions via MDLM SystemDonat, Ramazan ; Erden, Kadriye Esen
2018Extraction of Cd2+ ions from MDLM System with TNOA carrierDonat, Ramazan ; Eyice, Melike İlknur
2019Extraction of Fe(III) Ions through MDLM System Containing TOPO as CarrierDonat, Ramazan ; Durmaz, Ömür
2022Extraction of Th(IV) metal ions with trioctylphosphine oxide dissolved in kerosene using multi-dropped liquid membrane techniqueDonat, Ramazan ; Tavsan, Emrah
2023Extraction/transportation of Co2+metal ions with bis(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate dissolved in kerosene using a multidropped liquid membrane techniqueDemirel, Volkan; Donat, Ramazan 
1998Haşıllama prosesinde ortam sıcaklık, Ph ve tuz derişiminin etkisiDonat, Ramazan 
2003Hydration and mechanical properties of Portland cement containing eloxal waste from aluminium industryErdem, Emin ; Günay, M.E.; Donat, Ramazan