Browsing by Author Koralay, Tamer

Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Assessments on minero-petrographics, geochemical and physical-mechanical properties of emirda? (Afyonkarahisar) travertinesKoralay, Tamer. ; Çelik, Sefer Beran. ; Deniz, K.
2018Behavior of the mafic minerals within the different source of magma for implication nature, thermobarometry, depth and tectonic settingsDeniz, K.; Kadioglu, Y.K.; Koralay, Tamer 
2009Bitlis kalesi kazısı ve Bitlis çevresi yüzey araştırmalarıPektaş, Kadir ; Kumsar, Halil ; Baş, Gülsen; Koralay, Tamer ; Kılağuz, B. Nuri; Erdoğan, Sebahattin; Öztürk, Şebahattin; Akbulut, Şahin
2025Characterization and Provenance Analysis of the Architectural Building Stones at the Stratonikeia Theater in Yatağan, Muğla, Southwest Türkiye, With Determination of Its Construction History Through OslKoralay, T. ; Şahiner, E.; Söğüt, B. ; Sezgin, T. ; Kadioğlu, Y.K.
2019Comparison of the collision and extensional related mafic intrusive rocks within central anatolia, TurkeyDeniz, K.; Kadioglu, Y.K.; Koralay, Tamer. ; Gullu, B.
2018Denizli Güneydoğusundaki (Honaz/GB Türkiye) Organik Maddece Zengin Kayaçların Jeokimyası ve Organik Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesiKoralay, Demet Banu ; Koralay, Tamer 
2024Denizli travertine: A global heritage stone resource nominee from western TürkiyeÖzkul, Mehmet ; Gül, Arzu ; Koralay, Tamer ; Özen, Hülya; Semiz, Barış ; Duman, Bahadır 
2020Determination of spectroscopic features and gemstone potential of garnet crystals from the Camkoy region (Aydin - SW Turkey) using XRPD, XRF, Confocal Raman Spectroscopy, EPMA and gemological test methodsKoralay, T ; Oren, U
2013Determination of tourmaline composition in pegmatite from Buldan, Denizli (Western Anatolia, Turkey) using XRD, XRF, and confocal Raman spectroscopyKoralay, Tamer ; Kadoglu, Y.K.; Jiang, S.-Y.
2021The distribution of elements in the alteration of feldspatic mineralsDeniz, Kiymet; Kadioglu, Yusuf Kagan; Koralay, Tamer ; Güllü, Bahattin
2011The effect of welding degree on geotechnical properties of an ignimbrite flow unit: The Bitlis castle case (eastern Turkey)Koralay, Tamer ; Özkul, Mehmet ; Kumsar, Halil ; Çelik, Sefer B. ; Pektaş, Kadir 
2024Evaluation of garnet phenocrysts in volcanic rocks (Görece/İzmir - Western Türkiye) for their usability as a semi-precious gemstone by multi-analytical methodsÖren, Ufuk; Koralay, Tamer 
2022Geochemical properties and heavy metal contents of carbonaceous rocks in the Pliocene siliciclastic rock sequence from southeastern Denizli-TurkeyKoralay T. ; Koralay D.B. 
2019Geochemistry for the pliocene carbonaceous rocks from southeastern denizli: Provenance signature and tectonic settingKoralay, Demet Banu ; Koralay, Tamer 
2016Gold nanoparticle included graphene oxide modified electrode: Picomole detection of metal ions in seawater by stripping voltammetryÜstündağ, İ.; Erkal, A.; Koralay, Tamer ; Kadıoğlu, Y.K.; Jeon, S.
2023Investigation of the Leeb hardness test in rapid characterisation of rock cores with particular emphasis on the effect of length to diameter ratioÇelik, S.B. ; Çobanoğlu, İ. ; Koralay, T. ; Gireson, K. 
2019Investigation of the usability of leeb hardness criterion in the determination of physicomechanical properties of travertineÇelik, Sefer Beran ; Çobanoğlu, İbrahim ; Koralay, Tamer 
2020Investigation of the use of Leeb hardness in the estimation of some physical and mechanical properties of rock materialsÇelik, Sefer Beran ; Çobanoğlu, İbrahim ; Koralay, Tamer 
2019Investigations on minero-petrographic, spectroscopic and gemological properties of pyroxene crystals in pegmatite gabbroÖren, U.; Koralay, Tamer. ; Deniz, K.; Kadioğlu, Y.K.
2018Luminescence dating and mineralogical investigations of bricks from erikli basilica in Stratonikeia ancient city (SW-Turkey)Atlıhan, Mehmet Altay ; Koralay, Tamer ; Sahiner, E.