Browsing by Author Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer

Showing results 1 to 20 of 50  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Aerobic exercise increases irisin serum levels and improves depression and fatigue in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: A randomized controlled trialBilek, Furkan; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Ercan, Zubeyde; Deniz, Gulnihal; Demir, Caner Feyzi
Apr-2020Alzheimer Hastalarının Fonksiyonel Kapasitesinin Ve Bakım Verenin Duygusal Zekâ Düzeyinin Bakım Verme Yükü İle İlişkisiGündüz Saraç, Hatice Feyza
2020Assessment of the musculoskeletal performance with squat tests and performance-oriented measurements in older adultsUysal, I. ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Cavlak, U. 
2023The Association of Physical Activity Level with Body Awareness and Balance in Individuals with Ankylosing SpondylitisBüke, Meryem ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Karasu, Uğur 
2021Characteristics of neuropathic pain in patients with diabetes mellitusGüntel, Murat; Doğru Hüzmeli, Esra; Melek, İsmet; Urfalı, Senem; Urfalı, Boran; Aslan, Evrim; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilufer ; Hüzmeli, İrem
11-Apr-2010The cognitive dysfunctions of multiple sclerosis Do we face from the early termsÇetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Bir, Levent Sinan ; Baskan, Emre ; Can, Tuba ; Çabuk, Talip
Jan-2020Cross-cultural adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Turkish version of assistance to participate scaleYarar, Feride ; Aslan Telci, Emine ; Kılavuz Ören, Gönül ; Kara, Güzin ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Şimşek, İbrahim Engin; Karahan, Sevilay
2020Dancing: More than a therapy for patients with venous insufficiencyDogru-Huzmeli, E.; Fansa, I.; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Oznur-Karabicak, G.; Lale, C.; Gokcek, O.; Cam, Y.
2019Deteriorations in trunk control, dexterity and functionality in patients with multiple sclerosis: a 3 years follow-up studyÇetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Can Akman, Tuba ; Bir, Levent Sinan 
2019Dexterity, attention and working memory in patients with Parkinson's diseaseÇetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Duray, Mehmet ; Topcu, Dudu; Can Akman, Tuba ; Gunduz, Hatice Feyza; Bir, Levent Sinan 
2020The effect of additional neuromuscular electrical stimulation applied to erector spinae muscles on functional capacity, balance and mobility in post-stroke patientsBilek, F.; Deniz, G.; Ercan, Z.; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Alkan, G.
2023The effect of balance, walking capacity, and fear of falling on the level of community integration in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A cross-sectional studySöylemez, Betül; Çetişli-Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Tekin, Selma ; Bir, Levent Sinan ; Şenol, Hande 
2022The effect of gender on pain, hip muscle strength, fatigue and functionality in adults patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome Gender in Guillain BarreAkman, Tuba Can ; Duray, Mehmet ; Dengiz, Aziz ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer 
2025Effect of the Strategy Game Mangala on Cognitive Function, Anxiety, Depression, and Fine Motor Skills in Individuals With Alzheimer's Disease: a Randomized Controlled TrialDengiz, Aziz ; Cetisli-Korkmaz, Nilufer ; Kitis, Aysegul
2021The effect of whole body vibration on spasticity, dynamic balance and shoulder pain in patients with Takayasu arteritisDuray, Mehmet ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer 
2021Effect of whole-body vibration on functional capacity and respiratory functions in individuals with stroke: A randomized controlled studyDuray, Mehmet ; Cavlak, Ugur ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer 
2022Effectiveness of a Telerehabilitative Home Exercise Program on Elder Adults' Physical Performance, Depression and Fear of FallingTekin, Fatih ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer 
2023The effects of calisthenic exercises on sleep quality, fatigue, and depression in elder adultsCetisli-Korkmaz, N. ; Kara-Cakici, G. ; Dogru-Huzmeli, E.; Huzmeli, I.; Melek, I.M.
2021The effects of Frenkel Coordination Exercises on fatigue in patients with Multiple SclerosisBilek, F.; Cetisli-Korkmaz, N. ; Demir, C. F.