| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1 | 2009 | An analysis study describing physical fitness level of overweight subjects | Cavlak, Uğur ; Telli, Orçin ; Baskan, Emre ; Altuğ, Filiz |
2 | 11-Apr-2010 | The cognitive dysfunctions of multiple sclerosis Do we face from the early terms | Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Bir, Levent Sinan ; Baskan, Emre ; Can, Tuba ; Çabuk, Talip |
3 | 2011 | Comparison of electrical stimulation and isometric training on isokinetic strength of knee extensors: A randomized clinical trial | Baskan E. ; Cavlak U. ; Yildiz H.H. |
4 | 2024 | Comparison of psychometric properties of the dual-task timed up-and-go test (cognitive) and the 3-m walk backward test in community-dwelling stroke patients | Taşvuran, Horata, E.; Eken, F.; Taşkın, G.; Kara, G. ; Yeşil, H.; Adar, S.; Baskan, E. ; Dündar, Ümit |
5 | 2021 | Does muscle strength decrease on the unaffected side in stroke patients? The unaffected side in stroke patients | Dengiz, Aziz ; Baskan, Emre |
6 | 2021 | Effectiveness of a clinical pilates program in women with chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial Pilates for back pain | Baskan, Ozden; Cavlak, Ugur ; Baskan, Emre |
7 | 2024 | Effects of Cervical Mobilization on Balance and Gait Parameters in Individuals With Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Dengiz, Aziz ; Başkan, Emre |
8 | 2020 | The effects of hemiplegic shoulder pain on upper extremity motor function and proprioception | Duray, M.; Baskan, Emre |
9 | 2015 | Effects of phase I complex decongestive physiotherapy on physical functions and depression levels in breast cancer related lymph edema | Atalay, Orçin Telli ; Özkir, Anıl; Çalık, Bilge Başakçı ; Başkan, Emre ; Taşkın, Harun |
10 | 8-Sep-2018 | Factors affecting body awareness in older adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain | Baskan, Emre ; Yağcı, Nesrin ; Cavlak, Uğur |
11 | 2024 | Investigation of the relationship between cognitive level and upper extremity functions in patients with chronic stroke | Aslan, Hilal; Baskan, Emre |
12 | 2017 | Kronik bel ağrısı olan olgularda fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyonun ağrı, özürlülük, depresif bulgular ve uyku kalitesi üzerine etkisi | Erdal, R; Atalay, OT ; Altuğ, Filiz ; Türkmen, B; Çıtışlı, V ; Baskan, E |
13 | 2020 | Low back pain risk among older adults | Yağcı, Nesrin ; Cavlak, U; Baskan, Emre ; Oztop, M |
14 | 2018 | Nörolojik hastalara bakım verenlerin bakım yükünün gövde kas kuvveti, enduransı ve esnekliği üzerine etkisi | Duray, M; Gülşen, Ç; Altuğ, Filiz ; Baskan, Emre ; Cavlak, Uğur |
15 | 2022 | Physiotherapy results of a patient with critical illness polyneuropathy due to COVID-19: A case report | Kara, Guzin ; Baskan, Emre ; Dengiz, Aziz |
16 | 2022 | Pre-menopozal Dönemdeki Kadınlarda Dairesel Antrenman Eğitiminin Vücut Kompozisyonuna Etkisi | Başkan, Özden; Yağcı, Nesrin ; Başkan, Emre |
17 | 19-Feb-2016 | Quality of life, depression and musculoskeletal pain experience among employed women: A controlled study | Baskan, Emre ; Yağcı, Nesrin ; Telli Atalay, Orçin ; Aslan Telci, Emine |
18 | 2021 | Rehabilitation strategies and neurological consequences in patients with COVID-19: part II | Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Bilek, Furkan; Can-Akman, Tuba ; Baskan, Emre ; Keser, Ilke; Dogru-Huzmeli, Esra; Duray, Mehmet |
19 | 19-Aug-2010 | Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the CDC Hrqol-4 scale in patients with chronic low back pain | Aslan Bas, Ümmühan ; Cavlak, Uğur ; Yağcı, Nesrin ; Baskan, Emre |
20 | 2022 | Silver-Russell sendromunda sanal gerçeklik uygulamalarının etkileri: olgu raporu | Başkan, Emre ; Dengız, Aziz; Kızmaz, Erhan |