Showing results 1 to 20 of 49
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011 | 65 yaş üstü osteoporozlu kadınlarda vestibüler ev egzersiz programı ve postural biofeedback tedavisinin düşme riski üzerine etkinliği | Alkan, Hakan ; Topuz, Oya ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Alkan, Selcen; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Ardıç, Füsun |
2015 | Arterial and intraocular pressure changes after a single-session hot-water immersion | Fındıkoğlu, Gülin. ; Cetin, E.N.; Sarsan, A. ; Senol, H. ; Yildirim, C.; Ardic, F. |
2010 | The association of physical examination findings and functional status with radiological and clinical variables in plantar heel pain | Akkaya, S. ; Akkaya, Nuray ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Şimşir Atalay, N. ; Fındıkoğlu, Gülin ; Sarsan, A. ; Şahin, F. |
2020 | Awareness Level of the Healthcare Professionals about Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation: A CrossSectional Study | Sarsan, Ayşe |
2021 | Bilateral Synovial Chondromatosis of Knee Joint ina Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis | Alkan, Hakan ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Güngör, Harun Reşit |
2006 | Bone resorption marker and ultrasound measurements in adults residing in an endemic fluorosis area of Turkey | Topuz, Oya ; Akkaya, Nuray. ; Ardıç, Füsun. ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Çubukçu, D.; Gökgöz, Ali. |
2006 | Comparison of low level laser therapy and intramuscular electrical stimulation on myofascial pain syndrome | Sumen, A.; Ardic, F. ; Sanal, E.; Ozgen, M.; Sarsan, A. ; Topuz, O. |
2009 | Comparison of the differences between traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury | Yıldız, Necmettin. ; Alkan, Hakan. ; Sarsan, Ayşe. ; Özgen, Merih.; Topuz, Oya ; Ardıç, Füsun. |
2013 | Comparison of the effectiveness of active and passive neuromuscular electrical stimulation of hemiplegic upper extremities: A randomized, controlled trial | Boyacı, Ahmet; Topuz, Oya ; Alkan, Hakan ; Özgen, Merih; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Ardıç, Füsun |
2009 | Comparison of the effectiveness of pulsed and continuous diclofenac phonophoresis in treatment of knee osteoarthriti | Deniz, Saadet; Topuz, Oya ; Atalay, Nilgün Şimşir ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Fındıkoğlu, Gülin ; Karaca, Özlem |
2006 | Designing splints for carpal tunnel syndrome patients by sonographic evaluation | Gungen, G.; Ozgen, M.; Caliskan, S.; Sabir, N. ; Sarsan, A. ; Topuz, O. ; Ardic, F. |
2011 | Determination of the position on which the median nerve compression is at the lowest in carpal tunnel syndrome and clinical effectiveness of custom splint application | Özgen, M.; Güngen, G.; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Ardıç, Füsun ; Çalışkan, Ş.; Sabir, N. ; Taşdelen, G. |
2013 | The effect of aerobic exercise program on pulmonary function and cardiorespiratory capacity in obese women | Sarsan, Ayşe ; Alkan, Hakan ; Başer, Sevin ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Özgen, Merih; Ardıç, Füsun |
2006 | Effectiveness of home rehabilitation programme in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | Alkan, H. ; Sarsan, A. ; Topuz, O. ; Özkurt, S.; Moral, A.; Ateşçi, F. ; Ardiç, F. |
2004 | Effectiveness of resistance vs. aerobic training in obesity | Sarsan, A ; Ardic, F ; Ozgen, M; Topuz, O |
2006 | The effects of aerobic and resistance exercises in obese women | Sarsan, Ayşe. ; Ardıç, Figen.; Özgen, Merih.; Topuz, Oya ; Sermez, Y. |
2015 | The effects of repeated filling cystometries on cystometric variables in spinal cord-injured patients with overactive detrusor, who utilize different type of urine drainage methods | Yıldız, Necmettin ; Alkan, Hakan ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Alkan, S. |
2006 | Effects of resistance or aerobic exercises on metabolic parameters in obese women who are not on a diet | Fenkci, S. ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Rota, S. ; Ardıç, Füsun |
2019 | The effects of short-term back extensor strength training in postmenopausal osteoporotic women with vertebral fractures: comparison of supervised and home exercise program | Çergel, Y.; Topuz, Oya ; Alkan, Hakan ; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Sabir Akkoyunlu, Nuran |
2011 | Efficacy of home based exercise program and postural biofeedback therapy in reducing risk of falling among osteoporotic women over 65 years of age | Alkan, Hakan ; Topuz, Oya ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Alkan, S.; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Ardıç, Füsun |