Browsing by Author Ayvaz, Mustafa Tamer

Showing results 1 to 20 of 49  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Allocation of unequally-weighted wastewater discharge loads using a simulation-optimization approachSadak, D.; Ayvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Elçi, Alper
Jun-2019Alıcı su ortamı bazlı deşarj limitlerinin simülasyon-optimizasyon modelleri kullanılarak belirlenmesiSadak, Derya
2009Application of Harmony Search algorithm to the solution of groundwater management modelsAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer 
2013Application of the Hybrid HS-Solver Algorithm to the Solution of Groundwater Management ProblemsAyvaz, M.T. ; Elçi, Alper
2007Aquifer parameter and zone structure estimation using kernel-based fuzzy c-means clustering and genetic algorithmAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer. ; Karahan, Halil. ; Aral, M.M.
2008Determination of intensity-duration-frequency relationship by genetic algorithm: Case study of GAPKarahan, Halil ; Ayvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Gürarslan, Gürhan 
2019Determination of rainfall-runoff relationship in Yenicegoruce Basin withMesta, B; Kargı, Pınar Gökçe; Tezyapar, I; Ayvaz, M.Tamer ; Goktas, RK; Kentel, E; Tezel, U
2014Differential-Evolution algorithm based optimization for the site selection of groundwater production wells with the consideration of the vulnerability conceptElçi, Alper; Ayvaz, M. Tamer 
2015Evaluation of harmony search and differential evolution optimization algorithms on solving the booster station optimization problems in water distribution networksGökçe, Ş.; Ayvaz, Mustafa Tamer 
2005An extended pressure application for transient seepage problems with a free surfaceAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Tuncan, Mustafa; Karahan, Halil ; Tuncan, Ahmet
2006Forecasting aquifer parameters using artificial neural networksKarahan, Halil ; Ayvaz, Mustafa Tamer 
2013A groundwater management tool for solving the pumping cost minimization problem for the Tahtali watershed (Izmir-Turkey) using hybrid HS-Solver optimization algorithmAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Elçi, Alper
2005Groundwater parameter estimation by optimization and dual reciprocity finite differences methodKarahan, Halil ; Ayvaz, Mustafa Tamer 
2014Groundwater recharge rate and zone structure estimation using PSOLVER AlgorithmAyvaz, M.Tamer ; Elçi, Alper
May-2008Heterojen bir akiferde pompaj kuyu karakteristiklerinin genetik algoritma ile belirlenmesiAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer 
2019A hybrid optimization approach for parameter estimation of confined and leaky confined aquifersAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer ; Gürarslan, Gürhan 
2023Hybrid optimization model for calibrating the HBV hydrological modelDurgut, P.G.; Tamer, Ayvaz, M. 
2016A hybrid simulation-optimization approach for solving the areal groundwater pollution source identification problemsAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer 
2009Hybridizing the harmony search algorithm with a spreadsheet 'Solver' for solving continuous engineering optimization problemsAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer. ; Kayhan, Ali Haydar ; Ceylan, Hüseyin ; Gürarslan, Gürhan 
2009Identification of groundwater parameter structure using harmony search algorithmAyvaz, Mustafa Tamer