Showing results 1 to 20 of 22
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Assessing factors associated with infertility using a couple-based approach | Karabulut, Aysun ; Demirtaş, Ömer ; Sönmez, Seyhan; Karaca, N.; Gök, Soner |
2022 | The effect of vaginal douching on Pap-Smear | Gök, Berfin Can; Gök, Soner ; Sezer, Selda Demircan; Atıgan, Ayhan |
2022 | Effects of Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Device Therapy on Ovarian Reserve in Menorrhagia | Gök, Soner ; Alataş, Erkan |
2023 | Effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Treatment on Ovarian Reserves in Patients with Depression | Gök, Soner ; Gök, Berfin Can; Alatas, Erkan ; Senol, Hande ; Topak, Osman Zulkif |
2022 | The evaluation of serum Adropin and Lipocalin levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome | Gök, Soner ; Fenkci, İ.Veysel ; Alataş, Erkan ; Kaleli, M. Babür ; Enli, Yaşar |
2023 | Evaluation of the adipokine levels of pregnant women with preeclampsia | Gök S. ; Gök B.C.; Enli Y. |
2022 | Frequency of Postpartum Depression and Investigation of Related Factors | Gök, Soner ; Gök, Berfin; Atıgan, Ayhan |
2021 | HPV-16/18 pozitif kadınların takibinde kolposkopi eşliğinde alınan servikal biyopsinin önemi | Gök, Soner ; Gök, Berfin Can; Ceylan, Deniz Aydın |
2022 | Investigation of Laboratory and Clinical Features of Primary Dysmenorrhea: Comparison of Magnesium and Oral Contraceptives in Treatment | Gök, Soner ; Gök, Berfin |
2023 | Investigation of The Effects of Oxytocin Administration Timing on Postpartum Hemorrhage during Cesarean Section | Gök, S. ; Kaleli, M.B. |
2021 | Kliniğimizde invaziv prenatal tanı yöntemi olarak amniyosentez uygulanan olguların retrospektif değerlendirilmesi | Gök, Soner ; Gök, Berfin Can; Çetin, Gökhan Ozan |
2021 | Kronik kazeifiye granülomatöz endometrit | Atıgan, Ayhan ; Gök, Soner ; Karakaya, Yeliz Arman |
2014 | A late complication of transobturator tape procedure: Vaginocutaneous fistula formation with vaginal mesh erosion | Karabulut, Aysun ; Demirtaş, Ömer ; Gök, Soner |
2024 | A new method that facilitates the diagnosis of endometrial cancer: the ratio of endometrial thickness to the full thickness of the uterine wall and subcutaneous adipose tissue measurements | Gök, Soner ; Atigan, Ayhan; Gök, Berfin Can |
2014 | Non-immune hydrops fetalis without anemia due to parvovirus B19 | Karabulut, Aysun ; Gök, S. ; Koçyigit, Ali |
2020 | Overin nadir tümörü: sklerozan stromal tümör | Gök, Soner ; Alataş, Erkan ; Düzcan, Ender |
2014 | Polikistik over sendrom’lu hastalarda adropin ve lipokalin düzeylerinin incelenmesi | Gök, Soner |
2008 | A population-based questionnaire study on the prevalence and epidemiology of burn patients in Denizli, Turkey | Kara, İnci Gökalan ; Gök, S. ; Horsanli, O.; Zencir, M. |
2022 | Preeklampside anne ve kord kanında netrin-1 düzeylerinin incelenmesi ve bunların vitamin D, vitamin B12, folik asit ile ilişkisinin araştırılması | Çetindarı Demirci, Gülşah |
2024 | Protective effects of ascorbic acid against cadmium-induced toxicity in the placenta and fetus of rats | Basegmez, Mehmet ; Karakaya, Yeliz Arman ; Kan, Fahriye; Gok, Soner ; Dogan, Muhammed Fatih |