Browsing by Author Kaya, Kürşat

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Balık Yağı, Metotreksat Kaynaklı Nefrotoksisite ve Hepatotoksisiteye Karşı KoruyucudurGürel, Ali; Kaya, Kürşat 
2019Beta-glucan attenuates cerebral ischemia/reperfusion-induced neuronal injury in a C57BL/J6 mouse modelKaya, K. ; Çiftçi, Osman ; Öztanır, M.N.; Taşlıdere, E.; Türkmen, N.B.
2023The effect of vitamin C supplementation on favipiravir-induced oxidative stress and proinflammatory damage in livers and kidneys of ratsDoğan, Muhammed Fatih ; Kaya, Kurşat ; Demirel, Hasan Hüseyin; Başeğmez, Mehmet ; Şahin, Yasemin ; Çiftci, Osman 
2022Effects of fish oil on methotrexate-induced reproductive damage in ratsIpek V.; Kaya K. ; Cebi C.; Gurel A.; Ayozger L.E.O.
2019Favourable effect of ß-glucan treatment against cisplatin-induced reproductive system damage in male rats.Kaya, K. ; Çiftçi, Osman ; Aydın, M.; Çetin, A; Başak, N.
2023Investigation of oxidative, inflammatory and apoptotic effects of favipiravir use alone and combined with vitamin C on brain tissue of elderly ratsKaya, Kürsat ; Şahin, Yasemin ; Demirel, Hasan Hüseyin; Çiftci, Osman 
2022Investigation of the potential beneficial effects of fish oil against methotrexate-induced brain injuryKaya, Kürşat ; Gürel, Ali; İpek, Volkan
2021Metotreksat kaynaklı beyin hasarına karşı bromelainin potansiyel faydalı etkilerinin araştırılmasıKaya, Kürşat ; Gürel, Ali; İpek, Volkan
2024Phosholipid trafficking between serum-HDL-erythrocyte in various conditions associated with circadian disturbancesBudaki, Fatma Olmez; Koc, Emine; Buyuktuncel, Saliha Ebru; Bag, Harika Gozde Gozukara; Sener, Serpil; Evren, Bahri; Sahin, Ibrahim; KAYA, Kürşat ; GÜLDÜR, Tayfun
2024β-Glucan ameliorates cisplatin-induced oxidative and histological damage in kidney and liver of ratsKaya, K. ; Ciftci, O. ; Basak, Turkmen, N.; Taşlıdere, A.; Gül, C.C.