Browsing by Author Çolak Güneş, Neslihan

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010A comparative study on exergetic performance assessment for drying of broccoli florets in three different drying systemsİçier, Filiz; Çolak, Neslihan ; Erbay, Zafer; Kuzgunkaya, Ebru Hancıoğlu; Hepbaşlı, Arif
2008Exergetic assessment of drying of mint leaves in a heat pump dryerÇolak, Neslihan ; Kuzgunkaya, E.; Hepbasli, A.
2010An exergetic performance assessment of three different food driersHepbasli, A.; Erbay, Z.; Çolak, Neslihan ; Hancioglu, E.; Icier, F.
2010Exergoeconomic analysis of plum drying in a heat pump conveyor dryerHepbasli, A.; Çolak, Neslihan ; Hancioglu, E.; Icier, F.; Erbay, Z.
2013Performance assessment and optimization of industrial pasta dryingÇolak, Neslihan ; Erbay, Z.; Hepbasli, A.
2005Performance evaluation of a triple-effect evaporator with forward feed using exergy analysisBalkan, F.; Çolak, Neslihan ; Hepbasli, A.
2010Performance investigation of the drying of parsley in a tray dryer systemHancioglu, E.; Hepbaslr, A.; Icier, F.; Erbay, Z.; Çolak, Neslihan 
2009A review of heat pump drying: Part 1 - Systems, models and studiesÇolak, Neslihan ; Hepbasli, A.
2009A review of heat-pump drying (HPD): Part 2 - Applications and performance assessmentsÇolak, Neslihan ; Hepbasli, A.