Browsing by Author Özmen, Hayri Baytan

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Betonarme elemanların doğrusal ötesi davranışlarının bilgisayar ortamında modellenmesiBilgin, Hüseyin; İnel, Mehmet ; Özmen, Hayri Baytan 
2016Damage potential of earthquake records for RC building stockÖzmen, H.B. ; İnel, Mehmet 
2019Determination of period of RC buildings by the ambient vibration methodİnel, Mehmet. ; Ozmen, H.B. ; Çaycı, Bayram Tanık. 
2006Effects of plastic hinge properties in nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete buildingsİnel, Mehmet ; Özmen, Hayri Baytan 
2009Ekim 2007 Çameli depremi hasarlı yığma yapı envanteri oluşturulmasıYılmaz, Salih ; Akyol, Erdal ; Özmen, Hayri Baytan 
2013Engineering implications of the RC building damages after 2011 van earthquakesOzmen, H.B. ; Inel, M. ; Çaycı, Bayram Tanik 
2020Evaluation of different cases of soft story formation for mid-rise RC buildingsÖzmen, Hayri Baytan ; İnel, Mehmet ; Demirtaş, Yunus 
2013Evaluation of reasons of the damages after Simav and Van (2011) earthquakesInel, M ; Ozmen, HB ; Cayci, BT 
2014Evaluation of the main parameters affecting seismic performance of the RC buildingsOzmen, H.B. ; İnel, Mehmet ; Meral, Emrah 
2013Observations on the building damages after 19 May 2011 Simav (Turkey) earthquakeInel, Mehmet ; Özmen, Hayri Baytan ; Akyol, Erdal 
2008Orta yükseklikli betonarme binaların Türkiye'de yaşanan son depremlerdeki performansıİnel, Mehmet ; Bilgin, Hüseyin; Özmen, Hayri Baytan 
2008Performance of mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings during recent earthquakes in Turkeyİnel, Mehmet. ; Bilgin, H.; Özmen, Hayri Baytan 
2008Re-evaluation of building damage during recent earthquakes in TurkeyInel, M. ; Ozmen, H.B. ; Bilgin, H.
2013Relation between the rapid evaluation method scores and the damage states of buildingsÖzmen, Hayri Baytan 
2007Sargılı beton davranışının betonarme eleman ve sistem davranışına etkisiÖzmen, Hayri Baytan ; İnel, Mehmet ; Bilgin, Hüseyin
2008Seismic capacity evaluation of school buildings in Turkeyİnel, Mehmet ; Bilgin, H.; Özmen, Hayri Baytan 
2007Seismic evaluation of existing mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings according to specification for building structures to be built in disaster areasInel, M ; Bilgin, H; Ozmen, HB 
2008Seismic performance evaluation of school buildings in Turkeyİnel, Mehmet. ; Özmen, Hayri Baytan ; Bilgin, H.
2018Strength reduction factors for existing mid-rise RC buildings for different performance levelsÖzmen, Hayri Baytan ; İnel, Mehmet