Browsing by Author Erhan, B.

Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Cross-sectional study of urinary problems in adults with cerebral palsy: awareness and impact on the quality of lifeYıldız, Necmettin. ; Akkoç, Y.; Ersöz, Murat.; Gündüz, B.; Erhan, B.; Yesil, H.; Bardak, A.N.
2013Effects of different bladder management methods on the quality of life in patients with traumatic spinal cord injuryAkkoç, Y.; Ersöz, Murat.; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Erhan, B.; Alaca, R.; Gök, H.; Zinnuroglu, M.
2013An evaluation of bladder emptying methods and the effect of demographic and clinical factors on spontaneous voiding frequency in stroke patientsErsoz, Murat; Erhan, B.; Akkoc, Y.; Zinnuroglu, M.; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Gok, H.; Ozdolap, S.
2014Intermittent catheterization in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: Obstacles, worries, level of satisfactionYilmaz, B. ; Akkoç, Y.; Alaca, R.; Erhan, B.; Gündüz, B.; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Gök, H.
2012Investigation of cartilage degradation in patients with spinal cord injury by CTX-IIFındıkoğlu, Gülin ; Gunduz, B.; Uzun, Hasibe ; Erhan, B.; Rota, Simin ; Ardıç, Füsun 
2024Knowledge of pelvic floor muscles in community-dwelling women aged over 60: its relationship with urinary incontinenceÖztekin, Saadet Nur Sena ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Yılmaz, B. ; Ersöz, M. ; Özlü, Aysun ; Alkan, Hakan ; Köklü, K.; Tunç, Hakan; Paker, Nurdan; Bardak, A.N.; Kanyilmaz, Selcen; Koyuncu, Engin; Alemdaroğlu, Ebru; Erhan, B.; Yumuşakhuylu, Yasemin; Selbes, Esra Cansu; Yıldız, Ezgi; Korkmaz, Nurdan; Özişler, Zuhal; Yardımcı, Gökhan; Akıncı, Meltem Güneş; Akkoç, Y.; Aksungur, Tuğçe; Canbulat, Ahmet Tarık
2014Neurogenic bladder in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury: Treatment and follow-upYıldız, Necmettin ; Akkoç, Y.; Erhan, B.; Gündüz, B.; Ylmaz, B.; Alaca, R.; Gök, H.
2019Post-stroke lower urinary system dysfunction and its relation with functional and mental status: a multicenter cross-sectional studyAkkoç, Y.; Bardak, A.N.; Ersöz, M. ; Yılmaz, B. ; Yıldız, Necmettin ; Erhan, B.; Tunç, H.