Browsing by Author Kiroglu, Y.

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Cerebral lateral ventricular asymmetry on CT: How much asymmetry is representing pathology?Kiroglu, Y.; Karabulut, N.; Öncel, Çağatay ; Yağcı, Baki ; Sabir, Nuran ; Özdemir, Bülent 
2008Clinical significance and renal haemodynamics of incidentally detected retroaortic left renal vein: Assessment with venous Doppler sonographyYağcı, Ahmet Baki ; Tavasli, B.; Karabulut, N.; Kiroglu, Y.
2009Dandy-Walker's variant and tetralogy of Fallot with atrial septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus and primary hypothyroidy - A new associationÖzdemir, Özmert Muhammet Ali ; Polat, A.; Cinbis, M. ; Kurt, F.; Kucuktasci, K.; Kiroglu, Y.
2009Developmental venous anomaly (DVA) with arterial component: A rare cause of intracranial haemorrhageOran, I.; Kiroglu, Y.; Yurt, A.; Ozer, F.D.; Acar, Feridun ; Dalbasti, T.; Yagci, B. 
2017Effects of methylphenidate treatment on the cerebellum in adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a magnetic resonance spectroscopy studyİnci Kenar, Ayşe Nur ; Unal, G.A.; Kiroglu, Y.; Herken, H. 
2014Feasibility of low-dose unenhanced multi-detector CT in patients with suspected acute appendicitis: Comparison with sonographyKarabulut, N.; Kiroglu, Y.; Herek, Duygu ; Kocak, T.B.; Erdur, Bülent 
2008Intra-abdominal spilled gallstones simulating peritoneal metastasis: CT and MR imaging features (2008: 1b)Karabulut, Nevzat ; Tavasli, B.; Kiroglu, Y.
2013Medial prefrontal cortex neurochemical metabolites in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy studyKalayci, D.; Özdel, Osman ; Sozeri-Varma, Gülfizar ; Kiroglu, Y.; Tümkaya, Selim ; Toker-Uğurlu, Tuğçe 
2013Neurochemical metabolites in prefrontal cortex in patients with mild/moderate levels in first-episode depressionSözeri-Varma, Gülfizar ; Kalkan-Oğuzhanoglu, Nalan ; Efe, Muharrem ; Kiroglu, Y.; Duman, T.
2007Pneumosinus dilatans and multiplex: Report of three rare cases and review of the literatureKiroglu, Y.; Karabulut, Nevzat. ; Sabır, Nuran A. ; Yağcı, Ahmet Baki. ; Çakmak, Vefa. ; Ozguler, U.
2014Prefrontal cortex neurochemical metabolite levels in major depression and the effects of treatment: An 1HMRS studyKalkan Oguzhanoglu, Nalan ; Sözeri Varma, G. ; Karadag, Filiz ; Tümkaya, Selim ; Efe, M.; Kiroglu, Y.
2009Spinal cord compression caused by vertebral hemangioma being symptomatic during pregnancyKiroglu, Y.; Benek, B.; Yağcı, Baki ; Cirak, B. ; Tahta, K.