Browsing by Author Ozutemiz, O.

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Leflunomide: Is a new oral agent in treatment of acute pancreatitis?Kutluana, Ufuk ; Oruç, Nevin; Nart, D.; Kaptanoglu, B. ; Yonetci, N. ; Ozutemiz, O.
1999Protective effect of pentoxifyllin on alcohol induced gastric mucosal damage in rats: Relation with prostoglandin and nitric oxideKosekli, M.A.; Ozutemiz, O.; Karaoglu, A.O.; Erkus, M.; Tanyalcin, T.; Girgin, F.; Yonetci, N.