08.03. Economics

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08.03. Economics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 121-140 of 286 (Search time: 0.041 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1212021How the macroeconomic conditions and the global risk factors affect sovereign CDS spreads? New Evidence from TurkeyGürel, Sinem Pınar 
1222009IMF anlaşmalarının güvenilirliği artırmadaki rolü: Türkiye örneğiGüneş, Sevcan ; Görmüş, Şakir
1232022The Impact of Domestic and Global Risk Factors on Turkish Stock Market: Evidence from the NARDL ApproachErdogan, Levent; Ceylan, Resat ; Abdul-Rahman, Mutawakil
1242011Impact of firm attributes on the efficiency of brokerage housesAygören, Hakan ; Yeşilyurt, M. Ensar 
1252017Impacts of neighboring countries on military expenditures: A dynamic spatial panel approachYeşilyurt, Muhammet Ensar ; Elhorst, J.P.
1262016In the New Institutional Economics Approach R. Coase and Law, D. North and Social Psychology Context: Pluralist Approach Opportunities in EconomicsOrhan, Selma Sevinç 
72024Industrialization Dynamics in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries: Evidence from the Club Convergence ApproachDaştan, Muhammet; Yazgan, Sekip; Ceylan, Resat 
82009The interaction among interest rate, inflation and output in inflation targeting regimes: The case of turkeyÇeviş, İsmail ; Çamurdan, Burak ; Kadılar, Cem
92009The interaction of the current account with its determinants and the effects of inflation targeting on current account balance: The case of TurkeyÇamurdan, Burak ; Çeviş, İsmail ; Kadılar, Cem
102009Internationalization and alliance formation: Evidence from Turkish SMEsUlubaşoglu, M.A.; Akdiş, Muhammet.; Kök, Bayrak Sabahat. 
112013The interrelatıonship between domestic sales and export: The case of Turkish manufacturing sector 1996-2010Çiftçi, Cemil ; Çiftçi, Dilek Durusu 
122014Introducing the Literaturematic.Com: Survey of Defence EconomicsYeşilyurt, M. Ensar ; Yeşilyurt, Filiz 
132018An investigation of nonlinear effects of debt on growthYolcu Karadam, Duygu 
142025Is nature of inflation co-movement time-varying? Insights from a dynamic factor modelNazlioglu, S. ; Akin, Tuğba; Gurel, S.P. ; Gunes, S. 
15Jan-2011İçsel büyüme modelleri ve küreselleşme sürecinde gelişmekte olan ülkelerin konumlarıÇiftçi, Cemil ; Aykaç, Gökhan
162018İhracatın niteliğindeki artışın dış ticaret haddine etkisi: Türkiye analiziAkın, Tuğba; Güneş, Sevcan 
172015İki Bankanın farklı şubelerindeki müşteri bekleme sürelerinin kuyruk modeliyle etkinlik analiziErtuğrul, İrfan ; Birsen, Burcu; Özçil, Abdullah 
182008İklim değişikliği ve gelişmekte olan ülke ekonomileriGüneş, Sevcan 
192016İklim Değişimi Performans İndeksine Göre Ülkelerin CO2 Salınım Yoğunluk Performansının Yakınsama AnaliziYazgan, Şekip; Mollavelioğlu, M. Şükrü; Ceylan, Reşat 
202016İktisadi ve İdari BilimlerErtuğrul, İrfan ; Özçil, Abdullah