10.07. Mechanical Engineering

Organization name
10.07. Mechanical Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 121-140 of 546 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
212023Effects of ceramic fillers on failure loads and failure mechanisms of laminated composites with two-parallel pin-loaded holesÇallıoğlu, Hasan ; Sayer, Metin ; Demir, Ersin ; Ağır, İnan 
22011Effects of different fin spacings on the nusselt number and reynolds number in perforated finned heat exchangersYakar, Gülay ; Karabacak, Rasim 
32013The effects of different fly ash fillers on the mechanical properties, thermal and fire behaviors of rigid polyurethane foamsYurtseven, Recep ; Tarakcilar, A.R. ; Topçu, M.
42023Effects of dolomite and intumescent flame retardant additions on thermal and combustion behaviors of rigid polyurethane foamsAydoğan, Bilal; Usta, Nazım 
52004Effects of ethanol addition on performance and emissions of a turbocharged indirect injection Diesel engine running at different injection pressuresCan, Özer ; Çelikten, I.; Usta, Nazım. 
62005Effects of ethanol blended diesel fuel on exhaust emissions from a diesel engineCan, Özer ; Celikten, I; Usta, Nazım 
72023Effects of fly ash and intumescent flame retardant on thermal, burning, and mechanical properties of polyethylene compositesDemiryuğuran, Fatih ; Usta, Nazım 
1482011Effects of geometric parameters on failure behavior in joined-rivet and single lap laminated composite plate under bending momentErgun, Sefa; Karakaya, Ş.; Tarakçilar, A.R. ; Ergun, E.
92010Effects of geometrical parameters and internal wall velocity on turbulent flow and heat transfer in helical square duct with moving wallKaya, Okyar ; Teke, I.
102010Effects of holes placed on perforated finned heat exchangers at different angles on the Nusselt and Reynolds numbersYakar, Gülay ; Karabacak, Rasim 
112019The effects of intumescent flame retardant and nanoclay on mechanical and thermal expansion properties of high density polyethylene compositesAkdoğan, E.; Bektaş, Numan Behlül. 
122011The effects of intumescent flame retardant including ammonium polyphosphate/pentaerythritol and fly ash fillers on the physicomechanical properties of rigid polyurethane foamsTarakçılar, Ali Rıza 
132019Effects of kaolin additions on thermal behaviors of rigid polyurethane foamsAydogan, B; Usta, Nazım 
142018The effects of nanoclay on mechanical properties of high density polyethylene and polypropylene materialsAkdogan, E.; Bektaş, Numan Behlül 
2552016Effects of pulsed vacuum osmotic dehydration (PVOD) on drying kinetics of figs (Ficus carica L)Şahin, U.; Öztürk, Harun Kemal 
2562020Effects of retarded fuel injection timing on combustion and emissions of a diesel engine fueled with canola biodieselÖztürk, Erkan ; Can, Özer ; Usta, Nazım ; Yücesu, H.S.
2572007Effects of splitter blades on deep well pump performanceGölcü, Mustafa.; Usta, Nazım. ; Pancar, Y.
2582003The effects of surface roughness on the strength of adhesively bonded cylindrical componentsŞekercioglu, Tezcan ; Rende, H.; Gülsöz, Alper ; Meran, Cemal 
4992010The effects of the butterfly joints on failure loads and fatigue performance of composite structuresAltan, Gürkan ; Topçu, Muzaffer ; Çallıoglu, Hasan 
5002011The effects of tool rotation speed and traverse speed on friction stir welding of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steelMeran, Cemal ; Canyurt, Olcay Ersel