10.07. Mechanical Engineering

Organization name
10.07. Mechanical Engineering

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 201-220 of 546 (Search time: 0.044 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012018Experimental investigation of fatigue and mechanical properties of unidirectional composite plates filled nanoparticlesDindar, B.; Bektaş, Numan Behlül 
22018Experimental investigation of forced convection heat transfer over horizontal tube with conical fins for different fin spacings and different inclination anglesYakar, Gülay 
32022Experimental investigation of single-lap bolted and bolted/bonded (hybrid) joints of polymeric platesDindar, Berkant; Agir, İnan ; Çallıoğlu, Hasan 
42011Experimental investigation of the cooling performance of a ground source heat pump system in Denizli, TurkeyKarabacak, R. ; Güven Acar, E.; Kumsar, Halil ; Gökgöz, Ali ; Kaya, M.; Tülek, Yahya 
52022Experimental investigation of the effect of crosslinking fibers on mechanical properties of deer's antlersTuncer, Can; Orhan, Mehmet 
62021Experimental investigation of the effect of different waveforms on heat transfer in a thermoacoustic coolerGokay, Ilker; Karabacak, Rasim 
72018Experimental investigation of thin films with various overprints used for packaging labelsSzusta, J.; Karakaş, Özler ; Tomczyk, A.
82015Experimental investigation of transient temperature distribution and heat transfer by jet impingement in glass tempering processingYazıcı, Hilmi; Akçay, Mehmet ; Gölcü, Mustafa ; Köseoğlu, Mehmet Fevzi ; Sekmen, Y.
92007An experimental investigation on damage loads of butterfly joints in composite structuresTopçu, Muzaffer. ; Altan, Gürkan. ; Ergun, Emin.
102010An experimental investigation on the impact behavior of hybrid composite platesSayer, Metin ; Bektaş, Numan Behlül ; Sayman, O.
112009An experimental investigation on the impact behaviour of glass/epoxy and hybrid composite platesSayer, Metin. ; Bektaş, Numan Behlül. ; Sayman, O.; Topçu, M. 
122015Experimental investigations of thermal conductivity, thermal degradation and fire resistance of rigid polyurethane foams filled with nano calcite and intumescent flame retardantAydogan, B; Usta, Nazım 
132011Experimental performance evaluation of a PV-powered refrigeration systemEkren, O.; Yılancı, Ahmet; Çetin, Engin ; Özturk, Harun Kemal 
142015Experimental performance evaluation of combi-heaters with different heat exchanger unitKöseoğlu, Mehmet Fevzi ; Baskaya, S; Calisir, T
151996Experimental relationships for heat flux, Nusselt number and temperature difference in a finned heaterKarabacak, Rasim 
3562024An experimental study of weave pattern effect on the mechanical and dynamic behavior of composite laminatesHalimi, Rafik; Rekbi, Fares Mohamed Laid; Mimouni, Oussama; Özbek, Özkan ; Djerir, Wahiba; Rezzoug, Amine
3572008An experimental study on improvement of a Savonius rotor performance with curtainingDeda Altan, Burçin ; Atılgan, Mehmet ; Özdamar, A.
3582023An experimental study on low velocity impact characteristics of glass fiber reinforced epoxy nanocompositesYılmaz, Yasin ; Özgül, Fatih; Ağır, İnan 
3592005An experimental study on performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine fuelled with tobacco seed oil methyl esterUsta, Nazım 
3602011An experimental study on the fatigue of cracked aluminum plate with composite patches under varied temperaturesErgün, Emin ; Topçu, Muzaffer ; Tasgetiren, S.