17.01. Chemistry

Organization name
17.01. Chemistry
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 221-240 of 652 (Search time: 0.028 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2212011GC-MS and spectrophotometric analysis of biodegradation of new disazo dye by Trametes versicolor [538 - 542]Akdogan, H.A.; Demircali A. ; Aydemir, C.; Pazarlioglu, N.; Karci, F. 
2222023Green synthesis of iron oxide nanobiocomposite for the adsorptive removal of heavy metals from the drinking waterSamejo, S.; Baig, J.A.; uddin, S.; Kazı, T.G.; Afridi, H.I.; Hol, A. ; Ali, F.I.
2232023The green synthesis of magnesium oxide nanocomposite-based solid phase for the extraction of arsenic, cadmium, and lead from drinking waterSamejo, Suraya; Baig, Jameel Ahmed; Kazı, Tasneem Gül; Afridi, Hassan İmran; Höl, Ayşen ; Dahshan, Alaa; Akhtar, Khalil; Solangi, Shakoor Ahmed; Perveen, Saima; Hussain, Sajjad
2242022The green synthesis of MgO nanoparticles using dried jujube fruit extract and their anti-yeast activity against Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSulak, Mine ; Kavakcioglu Yardimci, Berna 
2252024Half-Sandwich Ru(II) Complexes Bearing 2-(2¢-quinoly)benzimidazoles with Anticancer ActivityErdem, Ahmet ; Mutlu, Doğukan; Kilincarslan, R. ; Dayan, O.; Arslan, Sevki 
2261998Haşıllama prosesinde ortam sıcaklık, Ph ve tuz derişiminin etkisiDonat, Ramazan 
2272004Heavy metal content of hard biscuits produced in TurkeySaracoglu, S.; Tuzen, M.; Mendil, D.; Soylak, M.; Elçi, Latif. ; Dogan, M.
2282006Heavy metal monitoring around the nesting environment of green sea turtles in TurkeyÇelik, Ali ; Kaska, Yakup ; Bağ, Hüseyin ; Aureggi, M.; Semiz, Gürkan ; Kartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Elçi, L. 
2292022Heavy metals separation and determination in waters using MIS-FAAS by bismuth(III) hydroxide co-precipitation methodArslan Kartal, Aslıhan ; Taşkıran, Kudret; Yavuz Yıldız, Damla; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elçi, Latif 
2302002Hetarylazo disperse dyes derived from 3-methyl-1- (3',5'-dipiperidino-s-triazinyl)-5-pyrazolone as coupling componentKarcı, Fikret ; Ertan, N.
2312004Heterobimetallic nickel(II) complexes of ferrocenyldithiophosphonates. Molecular structures of [{FcP(OR)S2}2Ni] [Fc = Fe(?5-C5H4)(?5-C 5H5), R = Et, Pri, Bus, Bu i]Karakuş, Mehmet ; Lönnecke, P.; Yakhvarov, D.; Hey-Hawkins, E.
2322001Hidrate çimento hamurundaki kalsiyumun çözünme kinetiğiAk, Metin 
23319-Sep-2001Hidrate çimento hamurundan kalsiyumun çözünme kinetiğiAk, Metin ; Cetisli, Halil 
2342017High contrast electrochromic polymer and copolymer materials based on amide-substituted poly(dithienyl pyrrole)Soğancı, Tugba; Söyleyici, Sevil ; Söyleyici, Hakan Can; Ak, Metin 
2352007Highly organosoluble metal-free phthalocyanines and metallophthalocyanines: Synthesis and characterizationBilgin, A.; Ertem, B.; Gök, Yaşar. 
2362022Highly Stable and Reproducible Biosensor Interface based on Chitosan and 2,5-Di(thienyl)pyrrole based Conjugated PolymerÖzkan B.Ç.; Aras T.S.; Turhan H.; Ak M. 
172003Hydration and mechanical properties of Portland cement containing eloxal waste from aluminium industryErdem, Emin ; Günay, M.E.; Donat, Ramazan 
182013Identification of radiation-induced radical structure in azocalix[4]arene: An EPR studyUsta, Keziban ; Özen Karakuş, Özlem ; Usta, Ayhan; Deligöz, Hasalettin 
192021Identification of the phosphatase for S6K2 may sensitize breast cancer cells to apoptosisSever, N. I. ; Sahin, S. Cengiz ; Yardimci, B. Kavakcioglu 
202020Imidazole antifungals: A review of their Action mechanisms on cancerous cellsKavakcıoğlu Yardımcı, Berna