17.01. Chemistry

Organization name
17.01. Chemistry
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 421-440 of 653 (Search time: 0.034 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4212015Simultaneous extraction and stripping of uranium ions via multi-dropped liquid membrane systemErden, Kadriye Esen.; Donat, Ramazan ; Aytaş, Ş.
4222009Simultaneous preconcentration of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), and Cd(II) from environmental samples on Amberlite XAD-2000 column and determination by FAASDuran, C.; Senturk, H.B.; Elçi, Latif. ; Soylak, M.; Tufekci, M.
4232007Simultaneous preconcentration of trace metals in environmental samples using amberlite XAD-2010/8-hydroxyquinoline systemGundogdu, A.; Duran, C.; Basri Senturk, H.; Elçi, Latif ; Soylak, M.
4242013Simultaneous Solid Phase Chelate Extraction for Ultratrace Determination of Copper, Nickel, and Zinc by Microsample Injection System Coupled Flame Atomic Absorption SpectrometrySert, R.; Höl, Ayşen ; Kartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Akdogan, Abdullah ; Elçi, Aydan; Baig, J.A.; Divrikli, U. 
4252014Simultatenous determination of diacetyl and acetoin in traditional turkish butter stored in sheep's rumen (Karinyagi)Gökçe, Ramazan ; Akdoğan, Abdullah ; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elci, L. 
4262022Single and selective transport of Zr(IV) ions with trioctyl amine dissolved in kerosene using a multidropped liquid membrane techniqueTezcan, Fatma; Donat, Ramazan 
4272016Single-laboratory validation of a saponification method for the determination of four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in edible oils by HPLC-fluorescence detectionAkdoğan, Abdullah ; Buttinger, G.; Wenzl, T.
428Jan-2016Smart window application of a new hydrazide type SNS derivativeSoğancı, Tuğba; Ak, Metin ; Giziroglu, Emrah; Soyleyici, Hakan Can
4292016Smart windows application of carbazole and triazine based star shaped architectureGüzel, Merve ; Soğancı, Tuğba; Ayrancı, Rukiye; Ak, Metin 
4302024Sodium nanoferrite-based solid phase extraction: a green method for the simultaneous determination of cadmium, copper, and leadPerveen, Saima; Hol, Aysen ; Baig, Jameel Ahmed; Sherazi, Syed Tufail Hussain; Akhtar, Khalil; Hussain, Sajjad; Abbasi, Fahad
4312008Solid phase extraction method for the determination of iron, lead and chromium by atomic absorption spectrometry using Amberite XAD-2000 column in various water samplesElçi, Latif ; Kartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Soylak, M.
4322007Solid phase extraction of gold(III) on Amberlite XAD-2000 prior to its flame atomic absorption spectrometric determinationElçi, Latif. ; Sahan, D.; Basaran, A.; Soylak, M.
4332002Solid phase extraction of some metal ions on Diaion-20 resin prior to flame atomic absorption spectrometric analysisArmagan, F.; Soylak, M.; Elçi, Latif ; Dogan, M.
4342001Solid phase extraction of trace metal ions with amberlite xad resins prior to atomic absorption spectrometric analysisSoylak, M.; Elçi, Latif ; Doğan, Mehmet
4352017Solid phase extraction preconcentration method for simultaneous determination of cadmium, lead, and nickel in poultry supplementsBaig, J.A.; Memon, H.D.; Bukhari, S.A.I.; Kazi, T.G.; Afridi, H.I.; Naseer, H.M.; Elçi, Latif 
4362011Solid phase extractive preconcentration coupled to gas chromatography- atomic emission detection for the determination of chlorophenols in water samplesElçi, Latif ; Kolbe, Nina; Elçi, Şükrü G. ; Anderson, J.T.
4372003Solid phase preconcentration and separation of copper, nickel and lead in haemodialysis concentrates and urine on amberlite XAD-1180 resinSoylak, M.; Saracoglu, S.; Elçi, Latif ; Dogan, M.
438Sep-2007Solid state electrochromic device applications of N-(2-(thiophen-3-yl)methylcarbonyloxyethyl) maleimideAk, Metin ; Durmus, Asuman; Toppare, Levent
4392013Solid-phase chelate extractive preconcentration of heavy metal ions prior to their ultratrace determination by microsample injection system coupled flame atomic absorption spectrometrySari, S.; Kartal, Aslıhan Arslan ; Elçi, Aydan; Akdogan, Abdullah ; Höl, Ayşen ; Siyal, A.N.; Elçi, L. 
6002007Solid-phase extraction of Fe(III), Pb(II) and Cr(III) in environmental samples on amberlite XAD-7 and their determinations by flame atomic absorption spectrometryDivrikli, Ümit. ; Akdoğan, Abdullah ; Soylak, M.; Elci, Latif.