17.01. Chemistry

Organization name
17.01. Chemistry
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 601-620 of 653 (Search time: 0.034 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
6012012Thermal and kinetic analysis of uranium salts: Part 2. Uranium (VI) acetate hydratesÇılgı, Gülbanu Koyundereli ; Çetişli, Halil ; Donat, Ramazan 
6022014Thermal and kinetic analysis of uranium salts: Part III. Uranium(IV) oxalate hydratesÇılgı, Gülbanu Koyundereli ; Cetişli, H. ; Donat, Ramazan 
6032009Thermal decomposition kinetics of aluminum sulfate hydrateÇılgı, Gülbanu Koyundereli ; Çetişli, Halil 
604Feb-2013Thermal decomposition kinetics of polypyrrole and its star shaped copolymerAk, Metin ; Cilgi, Gulbanu Koyundereli ; Kuru, Ferah Dİba; Cetisli, Halil 
6052013Thermal degradation behaviour of NI(II) complex of 3,4- methylenedioxaphenylaminoglyoximeKarapınar, Emin ; Gubbuk, I.H.; Taner, B.; Deveci, P.; Ozcan, E.
62020Thermal degradation kinetics and thermodynamics of maleimide-sytrene based alternating copolymer: A comparative investigation of monomer and polymer structuresKoyundereli Çılgı, G. ; Ak, Metin 
72013Thermal, electrical, and optical properties of synthesized (1 E, 2 E)-(4-bromophenyl)(hydroxyimino)acetaldehyde oxime complexesKarapınar, Emin ; Karabulut, Orhan ; Karapınar, Nazan 
82009Thermodynamic parameters and sorption of U(VI) on ACSDDonat, Ramazan ; Koyundereli Çılgı, Gülbanu ; Aytaş, Şule; Çetisli, Halil
92005Thermodynamics of Pb2+ and Ni2+ adsorption onto natural bentonite from aqueous solutionsDonat, Ramazan ; Akdoğan, Abdullah ; Erdem, Emin ; Cetisli, H. 
102006Trace heavy metal contents of some spices and herbal plants from western Anatolia, TurkeyDivrikli, Ümit ; Horzum, N.; Soylak, M.; Elci, L. 
112003Trace heavy metal levels in street dust samples from Yozgat city center, TurkeyDivrikli, U. ; Soylak, M.; Elçi, Latif ; Dogan, M.
122006Trace metal pollution from traffic in Denizli-Turkey during dry seasonDivrikli, Ümit ; Mendil, D.; Tuzen, M.; Soylak, M.; Elci, L. 
1315-Jun-2008Transition metal cations extraction by ester and ketone derivatives of chromogenic azocalix[4]arenesAk, Metin ; Taban, Deniz; Deligöz, Hasaletin 
1431-May-2016Transparent-blue colored dual type electrochromic device: switchable glass application of conducting organic-inorganic hybrid carbazole polymerSoyleyici, Sevil ; Karakus, Mehmet ; Ak, Metin 
152004Transport kinetics of Hg2+ through bulk liquid membrane using calix[4]arene ketone derivative as carrierAlpoguz, H.K. ; Memon, S.; Ersoz, M. ; Yilmaz, M.
162018The transport of Cr(VI) from chrome plating water by polymer inclusion membrane based carbon nanomaterialKaya, Ahmet ; Onaç, Canan 
172005Transport of Hg2+ ions across a supported liquid membrane containing calix[4]arene nitrile derivatives as a specific ion carrrierAlpoguz, H.K. ; Memon, S.; Ersoz, M. ; Yilmaz, M.
182002Transport of Hg2+ through bulk liquid membrane using a bis-calix[4]arene nitrile derivative as carrier: Kinetic analysisAlpoğuz, Hamza Korkmaz ; Memon, S.; Ersoz, Mustafa; Yilmaz, M.
192018Transport of melamine by a new generation of nano-material membranes containing carbon nanotubes and determination with surface plasmon resonanceOnaç, Canan ; Korkmaz Alpoguz, H. ; Lutfi Yola, M.; Kaya, A.
202014Transport of Pb(II) by supported liquid membrane containing p-tert-butyl calix[4]amine derivative as carrierKaya, Ahmet ; Kutlu, T.; Höl, Ayşen ; Surucu, A. ; Alpoğuz, Hamza Korkmaz