17.01. Chemistry

Organization name
17.01. Chemistry
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 81-100 of 653 (Search time: 0.035 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
812002Cobalt determination in natural water and table salt samples by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy/on-line solid phase extraction combinationKaratepe, A.U.; Soylak, Mustafa; Elçi, Latif 
822003Column preconcentration/separation and atomic absorption spectrometric determinations of some heavy metals in table salt samples using Amberlite XAD-1180Soylak, M.; Karatepe, A.U.; Elçi, Latif ; Dogan, M.
832004Column solid phase extraction of copper, iron, and zinc ions at trace levels in environmental samples on amberlite XAD-7 for their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determinationsTuzen, M.; Soylak, M.; Elci, L. ; Dogan, M.
842002Column solid-phase extraction with Chromosorb-102 resin and determination of trace elements in water and sediment samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometrySaraçolu, S.; Elçi, L. 
852020A combined experimental and computational study of electrochemical and photophysical properties of new benzophenone derivatives functionalized with N-substituted-phenyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-amineŞener, İ.; Şahin, Çiğdem ; Demir, S.; Şener, N.; Gür, M.
86Jun-2018Comparative investigation of peripheral and nonperipheral zinc phthalocyanine-based polycarbazoles in terms of optical, electrical, and sensing propertiesSoğancı, Tuğba; Baygu, Yasemin ; Kabay, Nilgün ; Gök, Yaşar ; Ak, Metin 
872015Comparative investigation of spectroelectrochemical and biosensor application of two isomeric thienylpyrrole derivativesAyranci, R.; Soganci, T.; Guzel, Merve ; Demirkol, D.O.; Ak, Metin ; Timur, S.
882015Comparative studies of pyridine and bipyridine ruthenium dye complexes with different side groups as sensitizers in sol-gel quasi-solid-state dye sensitized solar cellsSygkridou, Dimitra; Şahin, Çiğdem ; Varlıklı, Canan; Stathatos, E.
892008Comparative studies on the solvent extraction of transition metal cations by calixarene, phenol and ester derivativesDeligöz, H. ; Erdem, Emin 
902006Comparison of digestion procedures on commercial powdered soup samples for the determination of trace metal contents by atomic absorption spectrometrySoylak, M.; Colak, H.; Tuzen, M.; Turkoglu, O.; Elçi, Latif. 
912008Composition of Eucalyptus camaldulensis volatiles using direct thermal desorption coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time- of-flight-mass spectrometryÖzel, Mustafa Z. ; Gögüs, F.; Lewis, A.C.
922014Conducting carbon/polymer composites as a catalyst support for proton exchange membrane fuel cellsMemioglu, F.; Bayrakçeken, A.; Öznülüer, T.; Ak, Metin 
9320-Jan-2017Conjugated and fluorescent polymer based on dansyl-substituted carbazole: Investigation of electrochromic and ion sensitivity performanceAyranci, Rukiye; Vargun, Elif; Ak, Metin 
9429-May-2018Copolymer based multifunctional conducting polymer film for fluorescence sensing of glucoseAyrancı, Rukiye; Kırbay, Fatma Özturk; Demirkol, Dilek Odacı; Ak, Metin ; Timur, Suna
952001Copper and zinc concentrations of serum samples of healthy people living in Tokat, TurkeySoylak, Mustafa; Saraçoğlu, Sibel; Divrikli, Ümit ; Elçi, Latif 
962003Coprecipitation of Cu(II), Ni(II), Fe(III), Cd(II), Pb(II), and Co(II) in wastewater, sediment, and metallic zinc samples with HMDTC-HMA for flame atomic absorption spectrometric determinationElçi, Latif ; Soylak, M.; Özcan, B.
972005Coprecipitation of heavy metals with erbium hydroxide for their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determinations in environmental samplesSoylak, M.; Saracoglu, S.; Divrikli, Ümit. ; Elci, Latif. 
982022Correction to: Influence of an Amide-Functionalized Monomeric Unit on the Morphology and Electronic Properties of Non-Fullerene Polymer Solar Cells (International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, (2022), 9, 3, (817-826), 10.1007/s40684-021-00374-z)Shome, S.; Li, Y.; Shin, H.J.; Chen, S.; Lim, D.-H.; Kwon, S.-K.; Ko, S.-J.; Ak, Metin ; Kang, Dong-Won; Lee, Bo Ram; Kim, Yun-Hi; Choi, Hyosung
992023Cu(I)–N-heterocyclic carbene complexes bearing a naphthyl substituent: synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial activitiesTokatli, A.; Demir, B.; Kiliç, N.; Kurt-Kizildoğan, A.; Otur, Ç.; Kilinçarslan, R. ; Karakaş, H. 
100Sep-2019Current trends in the development of conducting polymers-based biosensorsGhorbani-Zamani, Faezeh; Moulahoum, Hichem; Ak, Metin ; Demirkol, Dilek Odaci; Timur, Suna