| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
641 | 2022 | OCCURRENCE AND FREQUENCY OF WOOD DECAY FUNGI LATENTLY PRESENT IN LIVING Abies cilicica AND Abies bornmulleriana IN WESTERN TURKEY | Kaya, Ayse Gulden Aday; Beram, Refika Ceyda ; Lehtijarvi, H. Tugba Dogmus; Lehtijarvi, Asko; Woodward, Steve |
642 | 2018 | Offshore behavıour of nestıng loggerhead turtles: prelımınary results of dısplacement experıments ın Turkey | Cerritelli, Giulia; Sirin, Ayfer; Sözbilen, Doğan ; Baskale, Eyüp ; Kaska, Yakup ; Mencacci, Resi; Casale, Paolo; Luschi Paolo |
643 | 2020 | Okun's law: Turkey case | Mercan N. ; Özpeçe Ö. |
644 | 2004 | On snake species of the Western Taurus range, Turkey | Kumlutas, Y.; Öz, M.; Tunç, M.R.; Kaska, Yakup ; Özdemir, A.; Düsen, S. |
645 | 2001 | On The Amphibians and Reptiles of İzmit – Bolu Region: Results of Field Survey | Baran, İbrahim; Kumlutaş, Yusuf; Ilgaz, Çetin; Kaska, Yakup |
646 | 2001 | On two herpetological collections made in East Anatolia (Turkey) | Baran, İbrahim; Kumlutaş, Yusuf; Tok, C. Varol; Ilgaz, Çetin; Kaska, Yakup ; Kurtuluş, Olgun; Türkozan, Oğuz; İret, Fatma |
647 | 2022 | Onboard surveys results for the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) and the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the Finike (Anaximander) Seamounts region and adjacent waters. | Sözbilen, Doğan ; Tonay, Arda M.; Öztürk, Ayaka Amaha; Özsandıkçı, Uğur; Dede, Ayhan; Kaska, Yakup |
648 | 2013 | Opinions of the Pamukkale University faculty of education students about the obligation of the University for Social Sustainable Development | Erdem, Ali Rıza ; Gezer, K. ; Oflaz, V. |
649 | 2016 | Optimization of gynogenesis induction in leek (Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum) | Çelebi Toprak, Fevziye ; Alan, Ali Ramazan |
650 | 2024 | Optimization of Swim Depth Across Diverse Taxa During Horizontal Travel | Stokes, Kimberley L.; Esteban, Nicole; Casale, Paolo; Chiaradia, Andre; Kaska, Yakup ; Kato, Akiko; Hays, Graeme C. |
651 | 2004 | The Ornithological Importance and the Ornithofauna of Dalaman District | Aslan, Aziz; Kaska, Yakup ; Erdoğan, Ali; Katılmış, Yusuf ; Gidiş, Müge; Başkale, Eyup ; Urhan Raşit |
652 | 2011 | The ornithological importance of Dalaman (Mugla, Turkey) wetlands and threats to the bird population | Aslan, A.; Kaska, Yakup ; Erdogan, A. |
653 | 2007 | The osteometric comparison of the wing skeletal bones of wild and domestic quails | Aktümsek, Abdurrahman.; Yaman, Mustafa.; Kaska, Yakup. |
654 | 2017 | An overlooked genus "Olifantiella c. Riaux-gobin & compere". Expanding biogeography with new species and ultrastructure observations | Kaleli, A; Witkowski, A; Krzywda, M; Riaux-Gobin, C; Solak, CN; Zglobicka, I; Plocinski, T; Grzonka, J.; Kurzydlowski, K. J.; Car, A.; Hinz, F.; Desrosiers, C.; Kaska, Yakup |
655 | 2015 | Paracladius alpicola (Zetterstedt, 1850), A New Chironomid Species for the Turkish Limnofauna | Akyıldız, Gürçay Kıvanç ; Tasdemir, Ayşe; Ustaoglu, Mustafa Ruşen |
656 | 2019 | Paricalcitol pretreatment attenuates renal ischemia/reperfusion injury by inhibiting p38 MAPK and activating PI3K/Akt signaling pathways | Cavdar, Z.; Ural, C.; Kocak, Ayse; Arslan, Şevki. ; Ersan, S.; Ozbal, S.; Tatli, M. |
657 | 2016 | Past primary sex-ratio estimates of 4 populations of loggerhead exhibiting temperature-dependent sex determination | Monsinjon, Jonathan; Kaska, Yakup ; Tucker, Tony; LeBlanc, Anne Marie; Williams, Kristina; Rostal, David; Girondot, Marc |
658 | 2016 | Past primary sex-ratio estimates of 4 populations of loggerhead sea turtle based on TSP durations | Monsinjon, Jonathan; Tucker, Tony; Fernandez, Y.; Hamza, A.; Ouerghi, A.; Kaska, Yakup ; LeBlanc, A.M.; Williams, K.; Rostal, D.; Girondot, M. |
659 | 2023 | PHEMA/PPy cytocompatible conductive cryogels: One-pot synthesis, characterization, and electrical properties | Şarkaya, K. ; Çadırcı, M.; Çetin, K.; Mutlu, D.; Arslan, Ş. |
660 | 2024 | Phenolic acids modulating epigenetic mechanisms in HepG2 human hepatoma cells | Mutlu, Doğukan; Dikici, Nevin Kaya; Bozbeyoğlu Kart, Naime Nur ; Arslan, Şevki |