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Title: Opinions of the Pamukkale University faculty of education students about the obligation of the University for Social Sustainable Development
Authors: Erdem, Ali Rıza
Gezer, K.
Oflaz, V.
Keywords: Obligation
Prospective teachers
Social sustainability
geography education
higher education
sustainable development
Denizli [Turkey]
Abstract: The objective of this research is to reveal the prospective teachers opinions about the obligations of the university for social sustainable development and the fulfillment levels of these obligations. General scanning model was used for the conduction of this research. The universe of this research consists of the prospective teachers who study at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of the Pamukkale University Faculty of Education. 985 prospective teachers were included in the sample. In the research, 'the scale of the obligations of the university for sustainable development', which has been developed by the researchers to determine the Pamukkale University Faculty of Education students opinions about the obligations of the university for social sustainable development and the fulfillment levels of these obligations, has been used. The Cronbach alpha value of 'to what extent should the university fulfill this obligation for social sustainable development?' has been found out as 0.91, the Cronbach alpha value of 'to what extent does the university fulfill this obligation for social sustainable development?' has been found out as 0.85. About the obligations of the university for social sustainable development, the Pamukkale University Faculty of Education students opinions in the scale are as 'Always' with the percentage of 74.3% and the arithmetical average of X¯ = 3.46. About the university fulfillment level of its obligations for the social sustainable development, the Pamukkale University Faculty of Education students opinions in the scale are as 'Never' with the percentage of 35.9% and the arithmetical average of X¯ = 2.35.
ISSN: 1311-5065
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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