20.03. Biomedical Engineering

Organization name
20.03. Biomedical Engineering
Çetin, Sevilay - Eski
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 41-60 of 300 (Search time: 0.06 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
412008Chemical composition and antistaphylococcal activity of an endemic Salvia chrysophylla Stapf. Naturally disributed Denizli province (Turkey) and its vicinityArslan, İdris ; Çelik, Ali 
422023Chloroform sensing properties of Langmuir-Blodgett thin films of Zn(II)phthalocyanine containing 26-membered tetraoxadithia macrocycle groupsCapan, I.; Capan, R.; Acikbas, Y.; Baygu, Yasemin ; Kabay, Nilgün ; Gök, Y.
432018Chromium speciation using an aminated amberlite XAD-4 resin column combined with microsample injection-flame atomic absorption spectrometryAksoy, Erkan; Elçi, Şükrü Gökhan ; Siyal, A.N.; Elçi, Latif 
442015Cloning and expression of a CYP720B orthologue involved in the biosynthesis of diterpene resin acids in Pinus brutiaSemiz, Aslı ; Sen, A. 
452013Cloning and expression of CYP720B from Pinus brutia involved in the biosynthesis of diterpene resin acidsSemiz, Aslı ; Şen, Alaattin 
462011Cloning, expression, purification and characterization of Bacillus licheniformis catalase from Pamukkale Hot SpringsŞen, Alaattin ; Ozkarsli, M; Dogan, NM; Semiz, A ; Arslan, S 
472023Combustion and secondary atomization behavior of nanofuel droplets laden with hematite, magnetite and lanthanum orthoferrites nanoparticlesKucukosman, Ridvan; Alper Yontar, Ahmet; Ünlü, Cumhur Gökhan ; Ocakoğlu, Kasim
48Jun-2018Comparative investigation of peripheral and nonperipheral zinc phthalocyanine-based polycarbazoles in terms of optical, electrical, and sensing propertiesSoğancı, Tuğba; Baygu, Yasemin ; Kabay, Nilgün ; Gök, Yaşar ; Ak, Metin 
492013A comparative study for the evaluation of two doses of ellagic acid on hepatic drug metabolizing and antioxidant enzymes in the ratÇelik, Gurbet ; Semiz, Aslı ; Karakurt, Serdar; Arslan, Şevki ; Adalı, Orhan; Şen, Alaattin 
102023A Comparative Study of Breast Mass Detection Using YOLOv8 Deep Learning Model in Various Data Scenarios on Multi-View Digital MammogramsÖziç, Muhammet Üsame ; Yilmaz, Ayşe Sidenur; Sandiraz, Halil İbrahim; Estanto, Baihaqi Hilmi
112022Comparison of five convolutional neural networks for predicting osteoporosis based on mandibular cortical index on panoramic radiographsTaşsoker, Melek; Öziç, Muhammet Usame ; Yüce, Fatma
122021Constant Voltage Control of A Double Sided LCC Compensated IPT Converter Based On Pulse Density ModulationYenil, Veli ; Çetin, Sevilay 
132022Constant voltage control of a secondary side controlled wireless power transfer converter using LC/S compensationYenil, Veli ; Çetin, Sevilay 
142013Constituents, oxidant-antioxidant profile, and antimicrobial capacity of the essential oil obtained from ferulago sandrasica Peşmen and QuézelÇelik, Ali ; Arslan, İdris ; Herken, Emine Nur ; Ermiş, Ahmet 
152016Contribution of ellagic acid on the antioxidant potential of medicinal plant Epilobium hirsutumKarakurt, Serdar; Semiz, Aslı ; Çelik, Gurbet ; Gençler-Özkan, Ayşe Mine; Şen, Alaattin ; Adalı, Orhan
162018Controlling the charge transfer flow at the graphene/pyrene-nitrilotriacetic acid interfaceOsella, S.; Kiliszek, M.; Harputlu, E.; Unlu, Cumhur Gökhan ; Ocakoglu, K.; Kargul, J.; Trzaskowski, B.
172023Correction to: Detection of pulpal calcifcations on bite-wing radiographs using deep learning (Clinical Oral Investigations, (2022), 27, 6, (2679-2689), 10.1007/s00784-022-04839-6)Yuce, F.; Öziç, M.Ü. ; Tassoker, M.
182022Current Perspectives on Nanoemulsions in Targeted Drug Delivery: An OverviewZeytünlüoğlu, Ali ; Arslan, İdris 
192009Cyclamen as an ethnomedicine: is it safe?Ozgun, O; Arslan, S ; Semiz, A ; Kapdag, M; Oztas, M; Mammadov, R; Sen, A 
202012A cytotoxic triterpenoid saponin from under-ground parts of Gypsophila pilulifera Boiss.& Heldr.Arslan, İdris ; Çelik, Ali ; Chol, J.H.