20.03. Biomedical Engineering

Organization name
20.03. Biomedical Engineering
Çetin, Sevilay - Eski
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 201-220 of 301 (Search time: 0.044 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012014Optimization of a self-driven current-doubler phase shifted full bridge DC-DC converter with integrated magneticÇetin, Sevilay 
2022018Orientation of photosystem i on graphene through cytochrome: C 553 leads to improvement in photocurrent generationKiliszek, M.; Harputlu, E.; Szalkowski, M.; Kowalska, D.; Unlu, Cumhur Gökhan ; Haniewicz, P.; Abram, M.
203Apr-2022PEEK ve karbon fiber takviyeli PEEK implantlara uygulanan Ti ve Ti-HAp plazma sprey kaplamaların incelenmesiGüner, Ali Tekin 
2042024Performance evaluation of a deep learning model for automatic detection and localization of idiopathic osteosclerosis on dental panoramic radiographsTassoker, M.; Öziç, M.Ü. ; Yuce, F.
2052020Performance evaluation of a wireless charging converter for active implantable medical devicesÇetin, Sevilay ; Demirci, Yunus Emre; Büyükgümüş, Onur
2062020Performance evaluation of constant current and constant voltage charge control modes of an inductive power transfer circuit with double-sided inductor-capacitor-capacitor and inductor-capacitor/series compensations for electrical vehicle battery charge applicationsÇetin, Sevilay ; Yenil, Veli 
2072021Performance Evaluation of Constant Voltage Charging Mode of Secondary Side Controlled Inductive Power Transfer SystemÇetin, Sevilay ; Yenil, Veli 
2082024Performance evaluation of different deep learning models for classifying ischemic, hemorrhagic, and normal computed tomography images: transfer learning approachesAltıntaş, Mustafa ; Öziç, Muhammet Üsame 
2092021Performance Evaluation of Wireless Power Transfer Compensation Topologies for Active Implantable Medical DevicesÇetin, Sevilay ; Demirci, Yunus Emre; Yenil, Veli 
2102015Periferalde 'Klik'lenmiş kaliks[4]aren grupları taşıyan ftalosiyaninlerin sentezi ve karakterizasyonuKabay, Nilgün ; Baygu, Yasemin ; Akkuş, Fatma
2112016A phase shifted full bridge converter design for electrical vehicle battery charge applications based on wide output voltage rangeÇetin, Sevilay ; Astepe, Alparslan
2122016Phenolic compounds as indicators of drought resistance in shrubs from Patagonian shrublands (Argentina)Varela, M.C.; Arslan, İdris ; Reginato, M.A.; Cenzano, A.M.; Luna, M.V.
2132020Photodynamic inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus using tetraethylene glycol-substituted Zn(II) phthalocyanineMete, E.; Kabay, Nilgün ; Dumoulin, F.; Ahsen, V.; Tuncel Kostakoğlu, S.; Ergin, Ç. 
142025Photothermal and photodynamic responses of core-shell Mo₂C@C@Fucoidan nanospheresTunçel, A.; Sert, B.; Özel, D.; Kaya, G.; Harputlu, E.; Unlu, C.G. ; Ocakoglu, K.; Yurt, Fatma
152020Phthalocyanine-cored conductive polymer design: effect of substitution pattern and chalcogen nature on optical and electrical properties of Zn(II)-phthalocyanine–cored polycarbazolesBaygu, Y. ; Soganci, T.; Kabay, Nilgün ; Gök, Y.; Ak, M.
162011Phytochemical constituents and inhibitory activity towards methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains of Eryngium species (Apiaceae)Çelik, Ali ; Aydınlık, Nilüfer; Arslan, İdris 
172013Phytochemistry and biological activities of terpene-rich essential oil (TREo) from Teucrium sandrasicumAli, Çelik; Ermiş, Ahmet ; Herken, Emine Nur ; Arslan, İdris 
182020Plasmonic enhancement of photocurrent generation in a photosystem I-based hybrid electrodeSzalkowski, M.; Harputlu, E.; Kiliszek, M.; Ünlü, Cumhur Gökhan ; Mackowski, S.; Ocakoglu, K.; Kargul, J.
192018Power-Factor-Corrected and Fully Soft-Switched PWM Boost ConverterÇetin, Sevilay 
202024Preparation and Characterization of Biopolymeric Hybrid Microbeads for Controlled Drug Delivery of Levothyroxine SodiumCakmak, Funda; Ozcan, Yusuf ; Sokmen, Bugra; Gok, Cem ; Fenkci, Semin Melahat