20.04. Mechatronics Engineering

Organization name
20.04. Mechatronics Engineering
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 142 (Search time: 0.057 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12007An analytical solution procedure to analyze material nonlinear behavior of laminated beamsAtaş, Cesim; Sayman, Onur; Çallıoğlu, Hasan 
22005Application of the differential quadrature element method (dqem) to vibration analysis of beam elementsGirgin, Zekeriya ; Demir, Ersin ; Kol, Cem
32023An approach for predicting longitudinal free vibration of axially functionally graded bar by artificial neural networkDemir E. ; Sayer M. ; Callioglu H. 
42011Bandwidth expansion methods of inductance simulator circuits and voltage-mode biquadsAlpaslan, Halil ; Yüce, Erkan 
5Jul-2014Bilyeli sonsuz vida mekanizması tasarımı ve imalatıKoçak, Sait 
62014Buckling behaviors of the impacted composite platesÇallıoğlu, Hasan ; Ergun, E.
72007Calculation of residual stresses resulting from bending of cold formed steel barsAtlihan, G ; Topcu, M ; Callioglu, H ; Altan, G 
82013Cascaded ABC-LM algorithm based optimization and nonlinear system identificationDilmen, Erdem ; Yılmaz, Selim ; Beyhan, Selami 
92023CFOA-based floating frequency dependent negative resistor, floating capacitance multiplier, and simulated floating inductorAlpaslan, Halil ; Yüce, Erkan ; Minaei, Shahram
102022CFOA-Based Floating Simulator Suitable for Realizing Frequency Dependent Negative ResistorAlpaslan H. ; Yuce E. ; Minaci S.
112011Children in need of protection and learning about the soil: A soil education project with children in TurkeyGülay, Hülya; Önder, Alev; Turan-Güllaç, Esin ; Yılmaz, Şevket 
122012A CMOS current rectifier configuration suitable for integrationYüce, Erkan ; Alpaslan, Halil 
132014A Combining Method for solution of nonlinear boundary value problemsGirgin, Zekeriya ; Yılmaz, Yasin ; Demir, Ersin 
142011The comparation of costs by computure aided and interactive greenhouse design applicationBuyuktas, K; Yılmaz, Şevket ; Ertekin, C
152025Comparison of Vibration Values of Rotating Discs With Variable Parameters Obtained by Finite Element Analysis Modeling With Different Machine Learning AlgorithmsCallioglu, Hasan ; Muftu, Said ; Koplay, Candas Nuri
162010Computer aided and interactive greenhouse design applicationBuyuktas, K.; Yılmaz, Şevket ; Ertekin, C.
172013Computer aided calculation of the cost of multi-span greenhousesBüyüktaş, K.; Yılmaz, Şevket ; Sarı, İsmail 
182021Control and Parameter Estimation of PMSM by Runge-Kutta Model Based Predictive ControlAkpunar, Adile ; Iplikci, Serdar 
192023A Control Scheme for a Quasi-Z Source Three-Phase InverterOrtatepe, Zafer ; Özdemir, Sadık 
202012Current-mode biquadratic universal filter design with two terminal unity gain cellsAlpaslan, Halil ; Yüce, Erkan