Claim profile
Full Name
Girgin Atlıhan, Özlem
Girgin Atlihan, O.
O. Girgin Atlihan
Girgin Atlihan, Ozlem.
Girgin Atlıhan, Ö.
Ö. Girgin Atlıhan
Girgin Atlıhan, Özlem.
Atlıhan, Özlem Girgin
Girgin Atlihan, Özlem
O. Girgin Atlihan
Girgin Atlihan, Ozlem.
Girgin Atlıhan, Ö.
Ö. Girgin Atlıhan
Girgin Atlıhan, Özlem.
Atlıhan, Özlem Girgin
Girgin Atlihan, Özlem
Main Affiliation
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Source ID
Starting Date
Matematiksel Analiz

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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.04 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | |
1 | 2015 | Abel transforms of convolution operators | Atllıhan, Özlem Girgin ; Ünver, M. |
2 | 2015 | An Abstract Version of the Korovkin Theorem via A-summation process | Girgin Atlıhan, Özlem ; Taş, Emre Erdem |
3 | 2015 | Convergence processes of approximating operators | Girgin Atlıhan, Özlem |
4 | 2017 | Korovkin theorems on weighted spaces: revisited | Girgin Atlihan, Özlem ; Ünver, M.; Duman, O. |
5 | 2018 | Korovkin type approximation theorems in weighted spaces via power series method | Taş, E.; Yurdakadim, T.; Atlıhan, Özlem Girgin |
6 | 2019 | Korovkin type approximation theorems via power series method | Taş, E.; Girgin Atlıhan, Özlem |
7 | 2023 | A New Approach to the Approximation by Positive Linear Operators in Weighted Spaces | Atlıhan, O. G. ; Yurdakadim, T.; Taş, E. |
8 | 2024 | A new banach space defined by absolute jordan totient means | Hazar Güleç, Canan ; Girgin Atlihan, Özlem |
9 | 2010 | On summability and approximating operators | Ince, H.G.; Girgin Atlıhan, Özlem |