K. Karagul
Karagul, Kenan.
Karagül, K.
K. Karagül
Karagül, Kenan.
Karagul, K
Karagul, Kenan

- 1 akademik başarı
- 1 Approximation method
- 1 Araç Rotalama Problemi, Sezgisel Algoritmalar, Optimizasyon, Turizm
- 1 c-means
- 1 Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem; Simulated Annealing Algorithm;
- 1 Cognitive researches
- 1 Constructive Routing Heuristics, Vehicle Routing Problem, Initial Routing Solutions, Physics-Inspired Optimization, Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
- 1 Delivery
- 1 Fixed-Cost Transportation Problem
- 1 Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem, Constructive Heuristics, Vehicle Routing Problem, Routing Algorithms, Ochi’s Routing Approach.
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Date issued
- 29 Article
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