| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
21 | Apr-2019 | Investigation of the functional status of patients with unicondylar knee prosthesis | Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Büker, Nihal ; Bayrak, Gökhan ; Ok, Nusret ; Şavkın, Raziye |
22 | 2019 | Investigation of Upper Extremity Functionality in Adolescent Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis Undergoing Scoliosis Surgery | Ök, Nusret ; Büker, Nihal ; Şavkın, Raziye ; Bayrak, Gökhan ; Yörükoğlu, Ali Çağdaş ; Kiter, Ahmet Esat ; Arık, İlker |
23 | 2014 | Is grand multiparity a risk factor for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women of lower socioeconomic status? | Demirtaş, Ömer ; Demirtas, G.; Hursitoglu, B.S.; Terzi, H.; Sekerci, Z.; Ök, Nusret |
24 | 2019 | İntrameduller çivi uygulamasında erken yük vermenin kırık kaynamasına etkisi | Ök, Nusret ; Kılıç, Bekir Alper ; Demirkan, Ahmet Fahir ; Yörükoğlu, Ali Çağdaş ; Yücens, Mehmet ; Aydemir, Ahmet Nadir ; Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Büker, Nihal |
25 | 2014 | Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme cihazlarının oluşturduğu statik manyetik alanın çalışanların kemik sağlığı üzerine olumsuz etkisi var mıdır? | Güngör, Harun R. ; Ök, Nusret ; Akkaya, Semih ; Akkaya, Nuray |
26 | 2014 | Orthopedic surgeons' view for the prevention of osteoporotic secondary fractures: A survey | Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Ök, Nusret ; Akkaya, S. ; Kiter, E. |
27 | 2019 | Osteoartritli hastalarda retina kalınlığının değerlendirilmesi | Ök, Nusret ; Pekel, Gökhan |
28 | 2015 | Osteochondral mosaicplasty along with osteochondroplasty of the femoral head in femoroacetabular impingement: A case report | Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Kıter, Esat ; Ök, Nusret ; Çatak, Adem |
29 | 2014 | Osteoporotik ikincil kırıkların önlenmesine ortopedik cerrahların bakış açısı: Bir anket | Güngör, Harun R. ; Ök, Nusret ; Akkaya, Semih ; Kıter, Esat |
30 | 2016 | Preoperative and postoperative serial assessments of postural balance and fall risk in patients with arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction | Gökalp, Oğuzhan ; Akkaya, Semih ; Akkaya, Nnuray; Büker, Nihal ; Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Ok, Nusret ; Yörükoğlu, Çağdaş |
31 | 2016 | Real-time elastography of patellar tendon in patients with auto-graft bone–tendon–bone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction | Akkaya, Semih ; Akkaya, Nuray ; Ağladıoğlu, Kadir; Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Ök, Nusret ; Özçakar, L. |
32 | 2024 | The relationship of postoperative tramadol activity with the CYP2D6*17 genome in total knee artroplasty patients | Ök, N. ; Gürbüz, M.E. ; Köseler, A. |
33 | 2016 | Relationship of side dominance and ultrasonographic measurements of pronator quadratus muscle along with handgrip and pinch strength | Ök, Nusret ; Ağladıoğlu, Kadir; Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Kitiş, Ali ; Akkaya, Semih ; Akkoyunlu, Nuran Sabir ; Demirkan, Fahir |
34 | 2024 | Reliability of ankle clonus evaluation for monitoring neural-tract integrity in pediatric spinal deformity surgery under different anesthetics protocols | Ok, Nusret ; Yucens, Mehmet ; Kiter, Seda; Erbay, Riza Hakan ; Soyuncu, Yetkin; Kiraz, Ilker; Kiter, Esat |
35 | 2014 | Significance of asymmetrical posteromedial and posterolateral femoral condylar chamfer cuts in total knee arthroplasty | Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Ök, Nusret ; Agladioglu, K.; Akkaya, S. ; Kiter, E. |
36 | 2016 | Sonoelastographic evaluation of the distal femoral cartilage in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction | Akkaya, Semih ; Akkaya, Nuray. ; Güngör, Harun Reşit ; Ağladıoğlu, Kadir; Ök, Nusret ; Özçakar, Levend |
37 | 2019 | Strain ratio measurements of patellar and achilles tendons with different reference regions in healthy volunteers | Ok, Nusret ; Agladioglu, K.; Gungor, H.R.; Akkaya, Nuray ; Akkaya, S. |
38 | 2018 | Stress and depression levels of mothers who give care to children with cerebral palsy and mental retardation: a comparison study | Kavlak, Erdoğan ; Kara, Güzin ; Tekin, Fatih ; Altuğ, Filiz ; Ök, Nusret ; Şenol, Hande |
39 | 2022 | Use of a Spacer Block Tool for Assessment of Joint Line Position during Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty | Gungor, Harun R. ; Ok, Nusret |
40 | Nov-2017 | Validity and reliability of Turkish version of Olerud-Molander ankle score in patients with malleolar fracture. | Büker, Nihal ; Şavkın, Raziye ; Gökalp, Oğuzhan ; Ok, Nusret |