| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1 | 2007 | 8-12 YAŞ ARASI ÇOCUKLARIN AEROBİK KAPASİTELERİ İLE BEDEN KİTLE İNDEKSLERİ ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİNİN İNCELENMESİ. | Ağbuğa, Bülent ; Konukman, Ferman; Yılmaz, İlker; Köklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku |
2 | 2015 | Accuracy and reliability of SPI ProX global positioning system devices for measuring movement demands of team sports | Köklü, Yusuf ; Arslan, Yunus ; Alemdaroğlu, Utku ; Duffield, R. |
3 | 2017 | The acute effect of different stretching methods on sprint performance in taekwondo practitioners | Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Köklü, Yusuf ; Koz, Mitat |
4 | 2020 | Acute effects of small-sided games combined with running drills on internal and external loads in young soccer players | Köklü, Yusuf ; Cihan, H.; Alemdaroğlu, Utku ; Dellal, A.; Wong, D.P. |
5 | 2023 | The Acute Effects of Velocity Loss During Half Squat Exercise on Jump Performance | Güven, P.; Alemdaroğlu, B.U. ; Köklü, Y. ; Karakoç, B.; Türkdoğan, H. |
6 | 2015 | Acute effects of Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (Yo-YoIR1) on hemorheological parameters in female volleyball players | Kılıç Toprak, Emine ; Yapıcı, Ayşegül ; Kılıç Erkek, Özgen ; Köklü, Yusuf ; Tekin, Volkan; Alemdaroglu, Bilal Utku ; Küçükatay, Zekiye Melek |
7 | 2009 | Amerikan futbolcularında farklı protokollerden elde edilen anaerobik performans değerleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi | Eyuboğlu, Ender; Özkan, Ali; Köklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Akalan, Cengiz |
8 | 2017 | Antrenman yükü takibi ve sakatlık önlemedeki rolü | Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Köklü, Yusuf |
9 | 2018 | Basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation in physical education to predict health-related fitness level | Erturan-İlker, Gökçe ; Yu, C.; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Köklü, Yusuf |
10 | 2011 | A basketball player with marfan syndrome and high risk of fall detected by posturography | Akkaya, Nuray ; Fındıkoğlu, Gülin ; Akkaya, Semih ; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku |
11 | 2011 | Comparison of chosen physical fitness characteristics of turkish professional basketball players by division and playing position | Köklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroglu, Bilal Utku ; Koçak, Fatma Ünver ; Erol, A. Emre; Findikoglu, Gülin |
12 | 2013 | A comparison of heart rate response and frequencies of technical actions between half-court and full-court 3-a-side games in high school female basketball players | Atıl, Halil; Köklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Koçak, Fatma Ünver |
13 | 2020 | A Comparison of Incremental Running Field and Treadmill Tests in Young Soccer Players | Köklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroglu, Utku ; Demirhan, R.; Arslan, Yunus |
14 | 2024 | Comparison of internal and external loads during different small-sided games in young female soccer players | Köklü, Y. ; Türkdoğan, H.; Bölükbaşı, T.; Alemdaroğlu, U. |
15 | 2017 | Comparison of physiological responses and technical actions in full-court games in young basketball players | Köklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Aksoy, İbrahim; Gürmen, İbrahim |
16 | 2009 | Comparison of physiological responses depend on VO2max test in professional and amateur soccer players | Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Köklü, Yusuf ; Arslan, Erşan; Karakoç, Barış |
17 | 2018 | Comparison of repeated sprint tests in young soccer players: Straight versus shuttle | Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Köklü, Yusuf ; Bektas, Fatih; Çelik, Gülistan; Ünver, Fatma ; Duffield, R |
18 | 2011 | Comparison of the physiological responses to different small-sided games in elite young soccer players | Köklü, Yusuf ; Aşçi, Alper; Koçak, Fatma Ünver ; Alemdaroglu, Bilal Utku ; Dündar, Uğur |
19 | 2016 | Comparson of the heart rate and blood lactate responses of different small sided games in young soccer players | Köklü, Yusuf ; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku |
20 | 2021 | The effect of a six-week plyometric training performed with different set configurations on explosive performance: cluster vs. traditional set configurations | Yilmaz, Nazire; Alemdaroglu, Utku ; Koklu, Yusuf ; Turkdogan, Harun; Asci, Alper |