37.01. Pharmacy Services

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37.01. Pharmacy Services

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.033 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12020Anticancer and antimetastatic activity of Hypomyces chrysospermus, a cosmopolitan parasite in different human cancer cellsDikmen, M.; Öztürk, Selin Engür ; Cantürk, Z.; Ceylan, G.; Karaduman, A.B.; Yamaç, M.
22024Anticarcinogenic activity of Cl-Amidine on non-small cell lung cancerÖğüten, P.N.; Engür, Öztürk, S. ; Di̇Kmen, M.
32022Comparative Analysis of Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of Fruiting Bodies, Mycelial Biomass and Culture Liquid of Omphalotus olearius OBCC 2503 (Agaricomycetes) from TurkeyYamac, Mustafa; Ozturk, Selin Engur ; Canturk, Zerrin; Dikmen, Miris
42021Comparison of the apoptotic effects of bortezomib using 2D and 3D co-culture models of THP-1 derived macrophage and A549 lung cancerOzturk, Selin Engur ; Tilki, Elif Kaya; Dikmen, Miris; Canturk, Zerrin
52022A CONTRIBUTION OF SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC METHODS TO MEDICINAL PLANT TAXONOMYKocyigit, Mine; Geçimli, Fethi ; Bıçak, Bilge; Vatandaşlar, Özge; Keçel Gündüz, Serda
62024Enhanced angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells via THP-1-derived M2c-like macrophages and treatment with proteasome inhibitors 'bortezomib and ixazomib'Engür-Özturk, Selin ; Kaya-Tilki, Elif; Cantürk, Zerrin; Dikmen, Miris
72024Enhanced anti-angiogenic effects of aprepitant-loaded nanoparticles in human umbilical vein endothelial cellsKaya-Tilki, Elif; Ozturk, Ahmet Alper; Engur-Ozturk, Selin ; Dikmen, Miris
82024The investigation of cytotoxic and apoptotic activity of Cl-amidine on the human U-87 MG glioma cell lineÖǧüten, P.N.; Engür, Öztürk, S. ; Dikmen, M.
92021Investigation of the neuroprotective and neuritogenic effects of halotolerant Penicillium flavigenum-derived sorbicillin-like compounds on PC-12 Adh cellsKaya Tilki, Elif; Engur ozturk, Selin ; Ozarda, Mustafa Guclu; Canturk, Zerrin; Dikmen, Miris
102022Methodology of Ethnobotanical Studies for Herbal Drug DiscoveryKoçyiğit, Mine; Akıncı, Ebrar; Geçimli, Fethi ; Akalin, Emine
112022Proteasome inhibitor immunotherapy for the epithelial to mesenchymal transition: assessing the A549 lung cancer cell microenvironment and the role of M1, M2a and M2c 'hydrocortisone-polarised' macrophagesEngur-Ozturk, Selin ; Dikmen, Miris
122024The proteasome inhibitor ixazomib targets epigenetic chromatin modification enzymes upregulated by m2c macrophage polarisation in lung cancer*Tilki, Elif Kaya; Ozturk, Selin Engur 
132022“Sporcu Sağlığında Kullanılan Fitoterapötik Yöntemler ve Bitkiler”GEÇİMLİ Fethi 
142015Synthesis and pro-apoptotic effects of new sulfonamide derivatives via activating p38/ERK phosphorylation in cancer cellsCumaoglu, Ahmet; Dayan, Serkan; Ağkaya, Aslı Özge ; Ozkul, Zehra; Ozpozan, Nilgun Kalaycioglu
152021Targeting epigenetic chromatin modification enzymes upregulated by M2c macrophage polarization with a proteasome inhibitor ixazomib in lung cancer: a novel approachTilki, Elif Kaya; Ozturk, Selin Engur